Why do i need a timer for when i come home from the hospital?

The doctor give me a list of things that I will need to have at home when i come home from the hospital. A timer was on the list,but i dont know what kind of timer, and for what i will need a timer for.    — Vernie C. (posted on January 3, 2004)

January 3, 2004
Possibly to make sure that you get up a few times an hour to make sure that you do not develope a blood clot.
   — ChristineB

January 3, 2004
Hmmm, perhaps to help you with the "30-20-30 water rule"? My surgeon requires no water 30 minutes prior to a meal, to eat your meal in 20 minutes, with no water during that meal, and then no water for 30 minutes after your meal.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 3, 2004
I didn't have a timer, but the above suggestions are good uses of one. Lynda ME/FL
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 3, 2004
I use my mircowave timer to make sure I wait 30-45 mintues before and after eating, to drink. I also set it so that I stop eating after 30 minutes. Some people don't use them. Others, like me, find it helpful. No guessing on when I stopped eating.
   — Renee B.

January 3, 2004
My doctor wanted us to have a timer so that we could keep track of drinking 1 oz. of water every 15 minutes during the immedidate post-op phase to make sure we were getting our water consumption in.
   — Checker B.

January 4, 2004
I had a timer, but never used it. I just stayed with the 30-20-30 rules and watched the clock and was just fine. But, if you like using it, that is okay also.
   — cindy

January 4, 2004
I had a little travel alarm clock that I used which i found really helpful the first week or so. First of all to time the no drinking period before and after a meal, but also when I was first having Shakes, it helped me not to drink them too fast. I also used a shot glass to keep from drinking to much at once. The first few days I would drink about 1 shot glass of the shake every 5 minutes until I was done. It kept me from going to fast.
   — Patricia T.

January 4, 2004
It all seems a bit obsessive to me. Look at the clock and add 30 minutes....that's when you get to drink again.
   — RebeccaP

January 4, 2004
Some people use an egg timer to slow down eating. There are some who wait three minutes between bites. But, to me that seems a little extreme. My surgeon only wants our meals to last 15 - 20 minutes and if I only took a bite every three minutes, then I wouldn't get but six bites. Or, the timer could be used to make sure you don't eat for more than 30 minutes. I would ask the doctor's office what kind of timer and for what reason.
   — Patty_Butler

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