Why do I stay so cold?

I am a person who was alsways sweating and complaining that it was too hot. Now, I keep a jacket with me because Iam always cold.    — S. E. (posted on January 8, 2004)

January 8, 2004
sorry to say this but...get used to it. *smile*...i am ALWAYS freezing. i have a hard time traveling with my family. they wear tshirts and i wear a turtleneck, sweatshirt and jacket. i'm 21 months post op and i think i just get colder instead of warm...good luck...phyllis
   — candymom64

January 8, 2004
me too. I went to a sporting goods store and invested in a pair of silk long underwear. an excellent investment. I have been wearing them about a year. I was an XL then and am a M now but until they fall off my body I will keep wearing them. they feel sooo good next to the skin. about $50 a pair but worth every penny.
   — **willow**

January 8, 2004
Chances are we will always be chilly now,,,,,:) It has something to do with our veins and stuff after being obese, I don't really know how to explain it though,,,maybe someone else will. LOL
   — Saxbyd

January 8, 2004
Me too, I am freezing all the time. The other day I had the space heater on in my office and one of my co-workers came in and complained that I had it "Zimbabwe hot" in my office. I am cold most of the time now. I did go and buy some Cuddl Duds from the department store and they have been a good investment. They're soft and warm and long johns but not thick at all. I for one am glad that I'm cold now...I used to sweat all the time. I'm starting to only do it when I over exert myself exercising instead of when I just walk up the stairs, lol.
   — Morna B.

January 8, 2004
Doesn't it feel great though. Now I have to have several blankets instead of just the sheet on the bed. My husband doesn't mind now either, because he likes to cuddle, and now I will because I need the warmth. Makes for a great "sleep".
   — Tonya N.

January 8, 2004
Hi-From what I have been told is that our bodies don't have the big layer of fat anymore. Our bodies got use to having "a blanket" on all the time and now it's gone. I don't think it will ever gets better. I used to be the say way as you and now I am freezing all the time. Just think, when you are cold, the body has to work to keep its temp at normal. The more you shiver, the more calories are being used!! So the next time your are freezing, say to yourself "That's it baby, use up them caloires!!! LOL
   — LMBeaton

January 8, 2004
I am the same way. My boyfriend was always complaining about it being too cold (sweat would be dripping off of me), and the other night we were in the car and I had it so hot he took his shirt off!!! It was 20 degrees outside! I was amazed, and thought he must be having hot flashes, but I guess it was just me!!

January 8, 2004
I love no sweating in the summer:) But HATE freezing in the winter. Sometimes I take a extra shower just to get warm. Of course I USED to take extra ones in the summer because I sweated so bad. Freezing and a sore backside from hard chairs are the two negatives to surgery. I bought a foam cushion and left it at a friends house since he has only hard chairs. This is a small price to pay for being healthier and thin!
   — bob-haller

January 8, 2004
For the first time in years I had to buy jackets and coats.....I haven't needed a jacket or coat in years....It's kind of nice...My husband is heavy and now it's a big battle over controlling the heater in the house....I feel so bad for my children...they must have been freezing these past few years!
   — nani68

January 9, 2004
I understand this is very common for us post-ops. I wear turtlenecks AND sweaters all the time now, bought a space heater to keep next to me at home, wear pajamas to bed now (NEVER did before), and keep my electric blanket between 11 and 15 (out of 22)! A friend's surgeon told her that it can take up to five years for your body to re-adjust its temperature. Kind of like if you moved to Florida from the cold, northern states - it would take you quite a while to readjust to the climate, or likewise, someone moving from Florida to the colder states would also have a lengthy adjustment period. Lap RNY, 9/11/03, 254/197/???
   — Carlita

January 9, 2004
In our last support group meeting, that question was brought up..."why are we always cold"? I loved what the doctor said - "because you have lost all of your insulation"!
   — Danette C.

January 9, 2004
Yup, we've lost our insulating flab! I am wearing a winter coat for the first time in years, along with ear muffs, a hat and gloves. I practically live in Polartec! Get yourself some Cuddl Duds (JC Penney sells them) and snuggle up to a friend.
   — lizinPA

January 9, 2004
Just a thought here....I was freezing for months after my surgery...then it started to level off a bit. Then, about 12 weeks ago it became terrible again...and I thought it was just because I lived in MinneSNOWta. Well, I ended up in the hospital for an ulcer and they discovered that my iron levels had gone way low (and they were great at my six month labs). So, back to the double dose of iron for me! Anyway, just a few weeks ago, I was noticing that I'm not as cold all the time anymore. I'm not saying that I'm not cold at all...but it's not all of the time like it was, and it certainly isn't as bad as it was. Makes me wonder if iron levels have any effect on that sort of thing. Anyone have any thoughts?
   — eaamc

January 9, 2004
I asked the same question at my 3 month PO apt and he said that it is because we take in less calories and our metabolism is different than pre-op. Now, I cannot remember if he said because our metabolism is slower or faster. He said that it will get better the further out that you are. Could've fooled me LOL I am still real cold 8 months PO.
   — ChristineB

January 9, 2004
previous poster - PS I just went and bought 3 pairs of thermal underwear to wear under my work uniforms and my everyday clothing.
   — ChristineB

January 9, 2004
Oh, Sheronda, the others have summed it up! My hands get soooo cold sometimes, I resort to placing them under running hot water just to thaw them out. Space heaters and socks are my friends!! Hubby is not happy when I get into bed at night and place my cold hands and feet on him. I have to keep reminding him it is his husbandly duty to keep me warm!!
   — Cindy R.

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