
I was wondering if the Diet Pepsi Slurpees at 7-11 are okay to have. I LOVE them. I have one every day, it is my one thing that I treat myself to. I look forward to having one everyday. There are ZERO calories and mainly ice. And as far as the carbonation goes, it's not like drinking a soda with full fledged bubbles. Well I must go get my slurpee, bye, Kelly*    — Kelly* P. (posted on February 2, 2004)

February 1, 2004
I understand your "pain" - I recently became addicted to Diet Vanilla Pepsi. I am well over a year out and drink it with a lot of crushed ice. Yum. I think there are worse things we could be 'addictied" to!
   — koogy

February 2, 2004
My doctor told me if I wanted to try sodas, to go ahead, but suggested pouring them into a glass first to dispel some of the carbonation. Therefore the slurpee sounds fine. The only concern would be the caffeine, it could make you hungry. Also, I don't think it would count toward your water intake for the day.
   — Carolyn B.

February 2, 2004
I think that's great! I live in Fort Worth, and can't find anywhere that has diet slurpee's! If anyone knows of a place in Fort Worth or Arlington, I'd love to hear from you!
   — Angie M.

February 2, 2004
Kelly I LOVE the diet Pepsi Slurpees!!! When I am sipping on one I am in heaven!! Ohhhhh now I want one RIGHT NOW!
   — Lois B.

February 2, 2004
And your problem is.........????? I've never had one. Don't even know what they are. But if it's diet, what is the problem? You are drinking water and doing other good things for your body? Forget guilt and ENJOY a nice treat. ;)
   — Danmark

February 2, 2004
I have them too sometimes Though some people in my group would consider it wrong, too bad. Gotta live and theyre not carbonated. Only some caffeine. Theyre flavored with splenda which is a sugar substitute. Speaking of which a new ice cream place opened around here called cold stone. Wow, they have sugar free fat free ice cream thats pretty good, once in a long while
   — gary viscio

February 2, 2004
A few things to keep in mind-- first, even diet slurpees tend to have some carbohydrates. Secondly, you probably wouldn't be posting a question about your slurpee habit if you weren't a little concerned. Now, perhaps I tend to be a little extreme on this issue, but I am very cautious in trying to find satisfaction from food or drinks-- my benchmark is that it has some nutritional benefit and not make me sick to my stomach. For me, at least, looking to food/drink for pleasure (and other emotional needs) got me into a lot of trouble. Now, I want to avoid going down that road ever again even though it means not finding joy in stuff that tastes good (with the possible exception of coffee which I drink black)-- that's why I avoid the low-carb ice creams and the other low carb snacks. But, maybe there is no one else out here who has a very utilitarian relationship with food-- but for me, being able to drop 280 pounds in less than 16 months, and having some peace of mind that I will be able to keep it off, has meant that I avoid one of life's pleasures. Might not be everyone's ideal for life, but for me trading joy from even safe food for the peace of mind I get keeping my demons at bay is worth it.
   — SteveColarossi

February 2, 2004
Diet pepsi slurpees are not made with splenda or aspartame, they use a new sweetener, Tagatose (or brand name Naturlose)
   — Patricia T.

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