Do you load up on water or liquids before/after your meals?

In the "pouch rules" write up, I believe they prescribe the concept of "water loading" prior to eating wherein we become so full that we end up eating less and feeling the "full" feeling. I am not sure if my doc accepts this concept, but I was wondering if maybe being full of liquids, where they continue in their journey beyond the pouch, will help you have a sense of fullness on less actual food. At 8 months out, my weight loss has stood still. And I worry that I am snacking more in the evening. I know the rules: liquids, protein, and exercise - cut the carbs and sugars - be patient. Do some of you feel that the timing of the liquids may play a critical role for me? Thanks for your replys...Lynn    — Lynn P. (posted on February 6, 2004)

February 6, 2004
i am sorry but i don't understand your question. Why would you want to load up on liquids after eating (we are not supposed to drink right after eating). The "after' would defeat the whole purpose. The purpose is to "load" before as you said to get the full feeling and eat less. I re-read your question and I still don't understand what you are asking. Sorry.
   — Delores S.

February 6, 2004
You need to read the rule again so you can get a better understanding of it. You do not water load before your meal, you water load after you wait the allotted time after a meal to drink water. You drink as much water as fast as you can til you feel full. For me that is about a half cup of water. After I do that I feel extremely full for about a half hour sometimes more. You do not drink the water before a meal in order to not eat as much food, then you would not be obeying the 30 drinking before rule.
   — ChristineB

February 6, 2004
quote from "Pouch Rules for Dummies" Ideal Meal Process section. " Rule # 6: 3 hours after last meal, begin drinking LOTS of water/fluids. Rule # 7: 15 minutes BEFORE the next meal, drink as much as possible as fast as possible. THIS is called "water Loading". If you haven't been drinking over the last few hours, this water loading will not work. Rule # 8: you can water load at any time 2-3 hours BEFORE your next meal if you get hungry, which will cause a strong feeling of fullness." End of quote.
   — Delores S.

February 9, 2004
Hi - Thanks for your comments. My concern was "BEFORE" as we tend to be in agreement that you should not drink directly after a meal. But in the scope of things, as we have (small) meals throughout the day, we are always supposed to be drinking to meet our liquid intake requirements - without guzzeling. My concern at 8 months is that I seem to have lost that "not actually hungry" feeling. I seem to sense fullness, but it doesn't last as long as it did during the earlier months - when the weight disappeared much faster. I was hoping to regain the part of the tool and wondered if more focus on liquids might be the answer. In reading about "enlarged stomas", I began to wonder if that might be my problem, where the food doesn't stick around as long and the fullness subsides. If loading up with water would help, maybe the food would stich around longer and make me feel fuller. Basically I guess that I should clear my head, get out and walk some more, and think positively until the weight loss starts again. I have lost 94 lbs in 8 months, but way more earlier than later. Thanks again, Lynn
   — Lynn P.

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