
Can we or can't we have yogurt? I don't understand why there is so much sugar in yogurt even in the low fat and non fat kinds. And is it true that it helps speed up weight loss? Thanks, Kelly*    — Kelly* P. (posted on March 1, 2004)

March 1, 2004
low fat and /or nonfat products often have sugar added in large quantities. I do eat Dannon lite & fit yogurt. It has no added sugars. the label shows that it does have some sugar, this is from the lactose. those who are lactose intolerant will have a problem with it. My surgery group (bariatric tratment center) has done many thousands of surgeies with great level of success , the dietician I have seen and the written materials I have recieved reccomend having dairy products daily. you might hear differently from others. Have you seen a dietician , or talked to your Doctor?
   — **willow**

March 1, 2004
I haven't heard that yogurt will speed up the weight loss but I do know that Dannon also makes a low carb yogurt that only has about 3 grams of sugar and 3 grams carb which is extraordinary low. It's pretty good. I had the strawberry.
   — y0maria

March 1, 2004
Kelly, I have been eating a yogurt called "Blue Bunny Lite 85". It is the greatest. It is sweetned with Splenda. The only store I have been able to find "Blue Bunny" is Wal-Mart Super Center. Give it a try. You will like it and it does seem to speed up weight loss.
   — Gene F.

March 1, 2004
when I buy yogart. I read it and if it has high sugar I WIL NOT buy it. They say Supper Wal-mart has Blue Bunny Lite 85, I will there was a super wal-maet near me. It's not so I always have my eyes open and yesterday I bought yogart called LeCarb made with splenda. check out calories 50. sugar 2 gms, carbs 4 gm protein 4 gm. It sounds way better than those high carbs and sugar ones. Good Luck.
   — B4real

March 1, 2004
Dannon has the Carb Control Yogurt.The container is red and they come in 4 packs. They are very creamy. The vanilla and raspberry are my favorites but they are all delicious! 3 grams of carbs per serving and 50 calories.
   — Tammy W.

March 1, 2004
Yogurt is a funny thing you really have to read the labels many have alot of sugar from the milk but then again even those that are light or use aspartame or splenda if you read also have corn syrup in them. Hoods Carb Countdown has a yogurt that had 3 carbs and 12 grams of protein but so far the only place I have found it is at the Sam's Club which you would think Super Walmart would have but haven't seen it their yet. Nancy
   — nefish

March 1, 2004
I have the Dannon Lite n Fit everyday. Right now I'm loving their smoothies because I can grab it and go. I've also been mixing in the Any Whey protein mix I got from and it works out really great. Good luck.
   — Niobe

March 2, 2004
It all depends on what you think as "so much sugar". The Dannon Light 'n Fit smoothie only has 13g of sugar in it for 7 fl oz bottle. And Dannon's laCreme yogurt only has 18g of sugar for a 4 oz container, which by the way is a perfect size. Sometimes some of the yogurts especially the ones with the fruit in them have a ton of sugar, so stick to the creamed ones. I have instructions from my nutritionist to keep the sugar grams under 30g a meal and I have done that and succeeded in not dumping at all since my surgery last May.
   — ChristineB

March 2, 2004
For me its a double edge sword, milk and sugar. The sugar count in yogurt comes from the milk. I cant have anything over 10 grams of sugar (and some times even less) and I cant do the sugar free kind becasue I'm lactose intolerant. Too bad too, I LOVE yogurt and miss it. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 130+ and below goal
   — Siddy I.

March 2, 2004
I have a great product and it is very low in sugar. It's the new low carb yogurt. DANNON LIGHT'N FIT CARB CONTROL. It has 80% less sugar 3 or 4 grams. Try it.
   — Linda R.

March 5, 2004
Note about Dannon Carn Control.. it has like 2g of fat in it. I'd rather have the Dannon light n fit creamy, which has only 10 sugars and 8g protein than have fat added. Just my personal opinon.
   — poohniki

March 5, 2004
One word of caution when trying the low-carb yogurts...check the label to make sure they have included LIVE bacteria in it. I've noticed a few that aren't and that's THE MOST beneficial thing in yogurt!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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