4 weeks postop from gallbladder, hernia surgery, pain in ribs!

I had WLS 11 months ago, and have lost 132 lbs. 4 weeks ago, I had my gallbladder removed, a hernia repaired, scar tissue removed and exploratory surgery to check everything out. When I lay on my back, I have this sharp pain in the same spot in one of my ribs. I thought it was muscle spasms right after my surgery, but I started having muscle spasms in other places in my abdomen, so I knew it wasn't a muscle spasm. My surgeon said it was probably a muscle spasm, but I don't think that now. He had me drink lots of gatorade after my surgery to help the muscle spasms and it did. But not this pain. Can someone please give me some advice on what this is and what to do to make it better? Remember it only happens when I lay on my back! Thanks for your help!    — Paula H. (posted on March 3, 2004)

March 2, 2004
It sounds like trapped gas. Go get some chewable gax-x and walk a lot and with a few days you should hear a toot toot.
   — T. Rosario

March 4, 2004
Wow first of all congratulations on your weight off! Also, you went through a lot of surgeries if that is the only pain (not to make light of it) you are double amazing. If you don't think it is gas - I think you should go to your medical doctor and have some chest x-rays done, just to rule out any fluid that might be trapped in your lungs - this happened to me once - pluersy (sp?) - but if untreated could become pnemonia (sp?) - I remembered it hurt really bad when I laid down - so I had to sleep sitting up. Of course gas mimics a lot of strange occurances as well.
   — Anna M.

March 14, 2004
I just had gall bladder surgery on 2-17-04. I had a hernia repair on 1-5-04. I am/was having terrible rib pain. I saw my surgeron and was finally referred to a pain managment clinic that is run in the hosp here in Kansas City. I have some nerve damage from the surgery and that is why I was getting the pains. I was put on 4 different pain meds and also had some nerve blocks done via injections in my spine. I am now pain free and down to just 2 pain meds. I go again for the spinal blocks at the end of march and hopefully that will be the end of it!! Ask your doctor about possibly going to a pain managment clinic if even just for a 2nd opionion!
   — Ericka S.

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