
I've been on the Patch for over a year now. I love it, but I find myself getting more and more moody. I feel like I'm always angry, I can't stand listening to my husband eat, I get angry because I don't like a woman's hair on t.v., I could go on and on. It was just during PMS time but now it seems like it's all the time. Could it be I weigh 118 pounds less now and the patch may be making me crabby. If anyone is on the patch please let me know if you have or have not had a similar experience. THANK YOU, Kelly*    — Kelly* P. (posted on March 6, 2004)

March 6, 2004
Hugs! It can be hard. I know that my hormones are always raging now that I'm loosing weight and I'm really short on patience. I know that before I always had trouble with the pill and finaly had to go off it becuase it made me too mad. All that said, I don't have any advice :-( Just wanted to let you know that I have the same issues.
   — w8free

March 6, 2004
Oh, boy! I have been on the patch for about 6 months now and have the same things happening. Im 2 months post op and thought I was mad pre surgery because I was unhappy w/ myself. I never thought of the patch till reading your post. When I am on my period and the week prior I am terrible. The same things upset me too, I hate hearing my boyfriend eat!! Sadly it seems I only take it out on him, and hes been so supportive of me. Although Ive only lost 37 pounds, it now scares me to think of whats to come!! Ive decided that Im going to seek counseling, so when I get the referral from my Dr, Ill ask him and let ya know!! Good luck until we learn more! ( I too absolutely love the patch as a form of birth control!!)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 7, 2004
Hi Kelly. I am an OB/Gyn nurse. The patch and regular birth control pills are made up of estrogen and progesterone in different ratios. Unfortunately there is only one patch "recipe" right now. You may want to ask your doctor about switching to a pill with a different progesterone/estrogen ratio. Your wonderful weight loss means that you have higher levels of the hormones circulating in your blood so the weight loss really may be why you are having more symptoms now. Good Luck, Susan
   — Susan F.

March 7, 2004
Go see your OB/GYN and ask if she will help you with some kind of mood stabilizer. I went on some and oh hubby thinks I'm the queen now! Share your feelings with the OB! I see a midwife...and she gave me some Wellbutrin and some antianxiety. I'm a brand new woman. It won't last forever, but you need some sanity in your life! If you don't feel comfortable taking drugs..find a good shrink or find a trusted clergy person. Remember..the hubby is not either of these. It's okay to seek outside help. God Bless...
   — Carol S.

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