Is it normal to NEVER experience dumping?

I am 6 weeks post opand lost 32 lbs. I am begining to believe the surgery did'nt work or went wrong. I have never experienced dumping. Should I be concerned? ( I have even eatten fudge and nothing happened! Please help.    — teribear (posted on April 19, 2004)

April 18, 2004
Thats normal but it MAY change. The most I EVER got was a mild icky feeling for over a year. Then one day a single brownie from a church bake sale zonked me completely. Since then I have been more sensitive. I dont look at this as a bad thing, actually its better. As it will help me eep the weight off.
   — bob-haller

April 18, 2004
I can eat cake and ice cream and have no problems (I'm 18 months post op and tried it for the first time yesterday at a party). However, I can't eat pasta or I will dump. You might not have eaten enough fudge to cause you to dump or you may have had something else in your stomach that diluted the fudge and so you didn't dump. Not everyone dumps though. My advice would be to assume you do and don't test it further!
   — Yolanda J.

April 18, 2004
I was a year out exactly, ate (3) pieces of sugar free chocolates on an empty stomach and wow was I sick. That was the first and last time I ever felt this way otherwise I will experience intestinal problems but not the dumping.
   — debmi

April 18, 2004
I'm 15 months out and can eat sugar without problem and/or incident. I'm hypoglycemic (as a result of the surgery) so it's actually a good thing that I don't dump on sugar. I'm also lactose intolerant (as a result of the surgery) so I'm not without my "after effects" from the surgery but it's not the same as other people. As you get further out, you're realize exactly what are do's and don't's for you. It might not be the same as other people.
   — susanje

April 19, 2004
I'm 1 1/2 year out, and the only thing I ever dumped on was ice cream. I agree with the advice of the previous poster - just assume you do, and don't test it any further! Once you push your limits, it's hard to get back on track.
   — jengrz

April 19, 2004
Well how much fudge did you eat? 1 or 2 pieces won't cause dumping. If you are losing weight, don't worry about the dumping part. I've dumped on the inside of a lean pocket once. All the other times I've dumped, I've had something sweet with milk. Milk already has 10+ grms of sugar in a cup. But I am 10 mos post op and have only dumped 3x. I am good about staying away from sugar, Now most sugar is too sweet for me.
   — mrsmyranow

April 19, 2004
I have not dumped to date. The worst I've had is feeling very tired from eating too many sugary carbs. And yes, I have tried everything that I was eating as a pre-op, and have never dumped - candy, cookies, cake, pie, brownies, pasta, bread. Even though I can eat these things, I credit the surgery with giving me the control I need to keep them to a minimum. As Bob said, it could change in the future, and I'm willing to accept that, especially if it will help to keep me on the straight and narrow. If you're 6 weeks out and have lost 32 pounds, your surgery is working. No one ever said we would "dump" for sure. Best wishes for your continued success. Lap RNY 9/11/03, 270/176/???
   — Carlita

April 19, 2004
I am 18 months post op and have never dumped. There are a few things that give me that very full feeling but I do not get sick. I have also been told that because I am Distal RNY is why I do not dump. Most distal patients do not dump. Good luck, it looks like you are doing good. 32 lbs in 6 weeks? WOW when was the last time you did that huh??? Don't be hard on yourself. Just make good and healthy choices.
   — debbie11092002

April 19, 2004

   — Dina McBride

April 19, 2004
I didn't think I was dumping, but I was - it just wasn't as violent as some people experience. It could be you aren't reacting, or the reactions feel "normal" to you if you had blood sugar swings in the past. Also, I dump with things that are sweet or carby that wash through quickly, but my calcium chews never cause a problem - probably because they stay in the stomach longer. I do have to say though that you should back off of the sweet stuff anyway. Why push it? No sense in doing so. So you may not dump - use the other tools and be as good as you can. Remember that "no magic bullett" thing.
   — Dinka Doo

April 20, 2004
I have wondered this too. I got extremely sick on icecream when I was a newbie, but have not dumped since and I am almost 3 months out. I will be interested to know what answers you get. I have tried a few things and they have stayed down with no problems. Now I have to stay vigilant and not eat treats except about 1 time a wk. Now that I know I can eat bad things, it would be very easy to eat them and stay as big as I am (and/or gain). Finding out (for me) was not necessarily a good thing. Down 40 lbs as of last visit. I see the Dr again in 2 days - last visit 2-3 wks ago.
   — bufordslipstick

April 21, 2004
Hi, I am fifteen weeks post op and I didn't have a dumping experience until about a week ago. Sooner or later it will happen to you. Just follow your doctors orders and hope it's later. Congrats on the 32 lbs.
   — Carolyn B.

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