Has anyone had a thight lift that was only cut around top of legs?

I am considering the thigh lift which only cuts at the top of the thighs around the panty leg line. I have heard pros and cons, but have never seen this type of surgery in a photo. Does it last? What is your opinions? I am at goal and have only had to lose 112 lbs, so my skin issue is not really really bad, just bad (LOL). Thanks, Patti Meadows    — peppermintp (posted on June 6, 2004)

June 6, 2004
i had a full tummy tuck, hernia repair and inner thigh lift 3 months ago. I LOVE MY NEW BODY!!! my stomach is so flat and my thighs are fantastic(if i do say so myself lol). i had the cuts in the panty area. i wanted to be able to wear bathing suits and shorts without a scar showing. i still have to sleep in a compression garment and i also wear it when i workout to keep the swelling down. not only is the compression garment for the swelling but it helps the tissues "stick" back together so you don't get droopy. i'm waiting to see how much my arms shrink, but if they don't by next year i'm going to get an armlift with the scar only in the armpit area. i might even get breast implants(i'm chicken about getting them). i've gone from a 46-D to a 32-B and i have breastfeed 2 children. i feel unbalanced. the other day i put on one of my old bras by mistake and i looked like a little girl playing in her mom's underwear draw lol.
   — franbvan

June 6, 2004
Patti- I had LBL, BL, and Inner Thigh Lift (panty line incision)4.5 weeks ago. My thighs do look a lot better. So far, the incisions are very, very thin and I'm expecting that they will lessen even more. One incision is right in the panty line and the other is a little lower but I still think that by the time they heal completely, they will be so thin that you won't even notice them. I had an infection at the back of one of the incisions which wasn't fun. But, with a round of heavy-duty antibiotics it was taken care of. If you have questions, let me know.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 6, 2004
This is a great website and she had the thigh lift your talking about.... Click on Plastic Surgery. Good luck to you!
   — SMG I.

June 6, 2004
I just had mine done almost 3 weeks ago. He removed 4 inches of skin from each thigh. The incisions don't look bad at all for just 3 weeks. A little sore but he had told me before surgery that this would be the most painful and the worst of all the plastic surgeries. The reason he gave me was because of where the incisions are. You constantly pull and tug at the incisions when you sit down and walk. Also, the area has a tendency to be damp and it needs to be completely dry. This can cause infection. I've been on antibiotics since the day before surgery and I'm still on them until next Monday (total of 28 days) but it's just a precautionary measure. I've not had any problems so far and this really hasn't been very painful either. I was expecting MUCH worse. I can already see a difference in my thighs. The crepiness is gone and my legs look "normal". I think by the end of the year, the incisions will be a fine pink line and by the time a year rolls around they will be almost invisable. BTW, I lost 120 pounds so my legs weren't REALLY bad either.
   — Patty H.

June 10, 2004
In many cases you don't need to remove any of the circumference of the skin, only need to give it tension. This sounds like what is planned for you. You should be able to get a good indicator by pulling up on the legs, at the panty line, and seeing if it is the end result you want. For me, haing lost 250 lbs, I need a significant amount of skin removed from the circumference of each leg. The skin/fat is jelly. I just had the 2nd stage of my abdominoplasty on Monday (remove the pannus above the belly button, and he also lipo'd 4 liters total out of my legs in preparation for the skin removal in November. Once all the swelling goes down the legs will look much worse than they did before surgery, but going about it this way will give me the best results after the skin removal, which is what I am most interested in. <p>Make sure you see before and after pics of people with similar conditions to you before agreeing to do this procedure. You want to know exactly what this surgeon can produce the results you want. Since you weight loss was more the normal, because you weren't SMO, I am guessing that the proposed procedure should work great for you.
   — zoedogcbr

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