I'm having a full tt in July my question is those of you who have major back pain

issues..did the pain go away in regards to your back. I was once 310 pound but now i'm 125 5'5. So you can imagine I have a lot of skin in the tummy area to be removed. The pain is getting unbareable and was wondering those of you who had the tt for this reason did the back pain go away after the surgery. My doctor has me on Ultraset and he has even up my dose but it is not working anymore. Just need some insight on this. Thanks everyone. Oh surgery is the 23rd of July.    — sarah C. (posted on June 11, 2004)

June 11, 2004
I had my Panniculectomy in April and my back pain almost gone. Used to be I could not sleep more then 6 hours because my back would hurt. Now when I get up - no back pain. I am really looking forward to going to the amuzement park - I know I will be able to walk around with out having to stop and rest. Good luck on your TT.
   — bbjnay

June 11, 2004
I had a full TT at the end of April and my back pain is virtually gone! I have had years of pain due to the excess weight plus scoliosis. My lower back would kill me after a night in bed and oftentimes it was excruciating to try to turn over and get out of the bed in the mornings. But, thankfully it's gone now! I only had 5 lbs removed, but evidently just that amount of excess weight makes a big difference. Good luck!!
   — Mary W.

June 11, 2004
Hi. mOst patienst do get a great relief of their pain after removing what amounts to a 5-15lb weight off of their hips. Remember taht if you have the muscles tightened with your TT you will be walking and sleeping "bent over" for a week or two. This can cause temporary back pain and tightness in some individuals but it resolves in a month or so.
   — DrL

June 12, 2004
Back pain is pretty non-existent for me also now, post LBL. I have pretty severe degenerative disc disease in 3 discs and a 4th one not far behind. I had 19 lbs of skin removed and can honestly say my posture hasn't been better in years. My muscles were tightened also but it did not cause me any major pain or straightening problems as they were not all that stretched out as I never had any children. Just the fact that the back structure doesn't get pulled forward out of shape and compress nerves is great. The back problems had even settle down quite a bit before the LBL but the PS just made it a permanent improvement. My whole insurance approval for the full extended abdomnioplasty was built on my low back problems and years of doing meds and epidural steroid injections, PT etc. I just made it clear that I understood it would not fix my low back but that it truly was a logical way to help manage this condition and BCBS agreed. I would have never been able to build medical necessity based on rashes and infections etc., so for the first time in my life I was happy to hav crappy discs.
   — zoedogcbr

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