hernia repaired bad hospital stay but home..

Well, I had the hernia repair done last thursday and hubby and I talked Doc into letting me come home Saturday. Very surprised at the hospital staff, not caring at all. Even had to fight to get meds doc prescribed for pain. All in all, I am healing here at home, Doc said the hrnia was repaired easily and he also took another liver biopsy. My incision this time is 6 in, reopened a portion of old wls incision. Felt 100% better after a shower and in my own pj's and my own bed. Sore when I first stand up and start to walk, everything feels like it is weighing my stomach to the ground. Got some decent girdles from wal-mart and it helps. But getting better everyday. Thanx Patricia    — pateblkbrn (posted on July 12, 2004)

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