My wife is 2 1/2 years post op fond a stricture?

My wife had surgery in May of 02, and had a stricture scoped in June 02, she has been fine until a few weeks go when she started having problems keeping things down, after the problem would not go away they decided to scope her and see what was going on, yesterday when they scoped her they found a blockage which they balloned out, my qestions are, is it unusual to have a blockage this far post-op when there has not been one in 30 months also, if you have blockages are you more likely to have additional ones?    — Richard C. (posted on October 19, 2004)

October 22, 2004
I am 18 months post op and have had to have the procedure done twice. It took them 6 months to figure out what the problem was. I was so sick - nothing staying down except liquids, and then not always liquids would stay if the pouch was full and I didn't know it. After suffering so very long with the problem, I welcome the ability to have the balloon to stretch the stricture and open it up. I was told that it may have to be done periodically due to the healing process trying to close up the opening again. But, that is a very small price to pay for the ability to eat normally. I wish your wife much luck. At least she now knows the symptoms and will know next time what needs to be done in a more timely fashion so she won't have to suffer needlessly!
   — Brenda D.

October 22, 2004
I had a VBG in 1998 and am now having trouble getting food down. My upper GI dr. told me (before getting real results) that part of my stomach has pushed its way up through the band. Is that what you're talking about? Unfortunately, she also told me my stomach was ALMOST NORMAL SIZE. I didn't like that answer.
   — Pat B.

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