Will the numbers of a pulmonology test prevent surgery as scheduled.

I had my pre-op tests on 12/28/2004. The test where I had to take a deep breath and hold it and blow out as hard and as fast as I could and continue to blow until the Respitory Therapist told me to stop, well the doctor was concerned because one of my numbers were at 43 and should be around 60. This means that I have some sort of airway obstruction. The doctor said I may have Asthma or I just got over a bad cold and my throat was still read and it ould have been broncitis (sp). She gave me a presription for a Advair Inhaler and told me to practice my breathing 3 times a day. I am scheduled for surgery on 01/19 and I have called my doctors office to find out the test results, and to see if I need to see a specialist and would this postpone my surgery. When I called the nurse didn't have my information and asked me to call the Pre-op Testing area. I did and left amessage for them. No one has called me back and I am nervous that my surgery may be canceled. I am having surgery at Barix Clinio in Langhorne PA. Has anyone else have this happen to them and were still able to have surgery as planned? Also if I need further testing how long does it take for them to let me know? ANy input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Sharon    — JerseyGirl (posted on January 6, 2005)

January 10, 2005
sharon, dont worry i was born 3 1/2 months early i was born with and upper airway obstruction, abirth defect of the sternum and diapraghm decreased lung function and asthma and i was accepted for surgery i was just followed by the pulmonologist before and after my surgery and if it is a true upper airway obstruction you'd benefit from surgery.
   — amanda K.

January 10, 2005
sharon, dont worry i was born 3 1/2 months early i was born with and upper airway obstruction, abirth defect of the sternum and diapraghm decreased lung function and asthma and i was accepted for surgery i was just followed by the pulmonologist before and after my surgery and if it is a true upper airway obstruction you'd benefit from surgery. amanda kenny good luck
   — amanda K.

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