What over the counter sinus medications are safe. I had WLS in February.

   — Twiggi-Thx2Rny (posted on July 4, 2005)

July 4, 2005
We can use all of the tyernol products, I personally have used tyernol cold and sinus caplets on several occasions. The caplets are better than tablets, the tablets have to be broken into pieces, and the caplets can just be taken.
   — cindy

July 4, 2005
anything with Acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be taken. Generics are the same thing but cheaper. I would suggest getting the non coated tablets or caplets because they're easier to break up.
   — SJP

July 5, 2005
You can take Sudafed as well..
   — dreamy6501

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