Does anyone have photos of their scar from an

The Dr. that I will see only does the "open" incision and I am curious what it will look like and how big it will be. I will have Open VBG.    — Brandi (posted on July 24, 2005)

July 24, 2005
I don't have a picture but if you are going to Dr. Harberg I've seen his scars. The scars used to be really ugly, but over the past few years they have improved.
   — Pamela B.

July 24, 2005
I just took a photo for you and put it up here: The first couple years the scar was keloid badly but it looks pretty good now.
   — Danmark

July 24, 2005
Brandi, DO NOT use Dr. Harberg!!!!!!! He shouldn't be qualified to do any kind of surgery. My asunt and mother used him. I aunt did OK on her surgery 11 years ago BUT she gets sick at EVERY meal and for my mother, he put the band in the wrong place and he grew into her stomach. She has 3 stomach openings. She only lost 100 lbs and gave a lolt of it back. I used Dr. Adam Naaman. He is the bomb!!!!! He is awesome. Please, contact him if you are serious about this surgery. Also, I have a couple pics of my open incision from the RNY. EMail me at [email protected] and I will send them to you. Thanks, Hope
   — Hope Netterville

July 24, 2005
I'm just quite curious as to why you wouldn't find a surgeon who does it lap? I personally would never choose open if I had a choice...
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 25, 2005
I don't have a picture, but compared to Daniels..mine is longer (about to my belly button) but it is now completely faded to be the same color as my skin. What will give you a better idea is what other scars look like on YOU. People scar differently.
   — RebeccaP

July 25, 2005
Hello- I strongly suggest you talk with other surgeons, you dont have to settle upon the first doctor you interview with. You wouldnt marry the first guy who asked you out would you? I know thats an oversimplification- but this is a very big decision- the more you know- the more confident you are going into surgery..I spoke with 4 doctors before settling on my surgeon. One doc did "open" and I said goodbye. Its a much longer recovery - they cut across muscle and thats painful and longer to recover from..almost like having a c-section in recovery..KNOW what you are getting yourself into!! I had one doctor- who everyone thought was great- did lap surgery- he had no bedside manner- didnt like to answer questions etc- has a great reputation..but I couldnt connect with him..I found my surgeon through research- contacting his patients by email- making an appt..and I was put at ease our first meeting..& all the research I did - was not wasted.. my surgery date is 8/15. Oh and when they advised I need to have my gallbladder out as well, with the other doctor Id be worried, but I am confident and very happy this was discovered before surgery. Good luck in your research! Donna
   — nybabe

July 25, 2005
Brandi - One thing I did forget to mention- and its VERY important- you carry MORE RISK for infection, which can lead to bigger complications and death. THAT is another reason to look for surgeons who do Laprascopic surgery.
   — nybabe

July 27, 2005
Hi I will see if I can take a send a picture of my scar if you like. Mine had what was called railroad tracks from the staples up both sides and is a good 12 inches long. After my stomach surgery-admonial tighting and flattening the plastic surgeron made the cut smaller and removed most of the staple marks.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 27, 2005
I agree that you should try to find a surgeon that will do the LAP surgery. I had open due to a previous surgery. I had a LOT of complications and wish I could have gone with the LAP surgery. I had a surgical procedure to cure my reflux disease and although it was a major surgery, I had very little pain. I went home the next morning. When looking for a surgeon, ask how many times he/she has done the LAP surgery? They should have had at least 100 cases. Good luck to you..
   — debi327

July 27, 2005
Brandi, I have had 3 open abdominal surgeries and never had any complications from any of them. The first was my VBG, went home after 2 days and back at work after 2 weeks. The second was my revision to RNY, in hospital 2 days, back at work after 2 weeks. The third was for a bowel obstruction, I was in the hospital for 5 days, but 2 of them were before the surgery, and I was on maternity leave at the time, so I had 6 weeks before I had to go back to work. I won't even go into why I think you should steer clear of the VBG since you didn't ask! Good Luck and please research the VBG some more.
   — Ali M

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