Does depression ease after surgery?

I have depression that seems to come and go and always sems to be linked with my self esteem and weight issues. I am wondering if anyone else experenced this pre op and if it gets better post op?    — April H. (posted on July 13, 1999)

July 13, 1999
I would be fairly sure that most people who have wls feel depression and low self-esteem quite often and that is one of the reasons for opting for the surgery. I had been depressed off and on for quite some time and I know for a fact it was directly related to my weight. When I was scheduled for surgery, I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself. And let me tell you, I feel so much better since surgery, my husband even tells me how neat it is to see me get excited about my size. Wheather I can fit into a size I've never been in or something looks good or I just feel really good, it doesn't matter, the depression hasn't been back. There are some that I know who still got depressed after surgery more for the fact that they went through kind of a grief process because they had lost their best So just keep your chin up and know that you will feel better. Good luck!!
   — Ginger B.

July 13, 1999
April, Yes and No. how's that for a definitive answer. I have been a chronic depressive since childhood and in the last two decades have found therapy and medication that stabilizes this beast. I woke up from surgery with a sense of optimism Idon't think I've ever had before and the immediacy of the weight loss (5-7 lbs a week at times) has been encouraging and motivating. A number of online post ops have talked about struggling with depression after surgery. It makes sense that one of our comforts (and our drug) has been curtailed drastically: food. A whole coping mechanism has to change. Now that we can no longer "eat" our anger, disappointment, hurt, boredom it can be a confusing time. I think for us experienced depressives we have an edge in dealing with the downs and the blues. I have found myself going through periods of paper thin emotional strength (cranky, snappish and snotty). I'm pretty good at the verbal put down and it's been tough for me to keep my lips buttoned. But far and away I am happy with the results of this surgery (127 pounds in a little over six months). I feel physically healthier and energetic and positive.. more so than ever in my life (I'm 55). I also feel like I've lost about 20 years. If you're prepared for the possibility of depression after surgery you won't be blindsided by it and personally I am much LESS depressed. Medication has been halved already and I'm a tough old depression case :-)) Good luck. EVERYTHING is better (just about) after WLS. Let me know how you're doing Susan [email protected]
   — Susan C.

July 13, 1999
I have suffered from depression throughout my life as well. One of my major concerns before having surgery (adjustable lapband May 18) was how I would manage because eating was my coping mechanism. Well, even setting the date for my surgery made me feel a little better. I felt as if I was finally taking control of my life. Once I started to lose weight I felt better and better. However, I still have the occasional day or two where I am pretty down. It is too big a problem to expect it to disappear straight away, but it definitely gets better as the weight comes off. It is a vicious cycle eating-weight-depression-eating-weight etc. Having the surgery breaks the cycle. GOOD LUCK! Meryl
   — Meryl V.

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