This is not a question-It's a story that I thought I'd share.

Okay. This is how it went. I haven't been approved for surgery yet but I thought I'd get started on some kind of exercise program, at least, to help with recovery and to get more cardiovascularly fit. I played sports in school and have worked out on and off over the years but nothing very consistent. So, I did my research ( 'cause you can't make a major decision with out research, right!). Anyway, I headed over to this club that is close to where I work. It was lunch time but I was assured that it wouldn't take long to sign me up. After the tour and money talk, a Personal trainer came over to talk to me. She asked me what I wanted to achieve. Well little did I know that telling her about the surgery and what my pre-op and post-op goals were would do. She told me that I was doing the wrong thing and that I should sign up with her program of exercise and nutrition. that the surgery was just a quick fix and not a permanent thing and that the risks were too high. "What you need", she said, "is a good exercise plan and nutritional life change, and I can offer that to you. Have you ever tried any type of weightloss program?" DUH!!!! I've only tried to loose weight over the last 25 years and been on at least 15 different diet programs and plans. WOW!!! She really poured it on for about 20 minutes. I told her that I wasn't approved yet, and that regardless I was going to have the surgery, I know the risks and am willing to take them. Finally I looked at my watch, yikes, I had been there over an hour!! She didn't let up on me until I said, "I need to either sign up, or leave". Well to make a long story short, I signed up at the club. I really wanted to sign up there because it is close to work and home. That way it will be convienent for me to go. I need convienence, I work and go to school full time, so my schedule is very tight. In addition the hours were very accomodating and that was another attraction for me. I guess I was naive thinking that a thin person wouldn't have any problems with a FAT person getting thin. I suppose that she wants me to loose the weight, but she wants me to do it her way. The NERVE!!! Well, that's my story.    — JoAnn B. (posted on January 6, 2000)

January 6, 2000
WOW what a story! Very similar to my experience with my Hematologist when i told him of my plans. All i was seeing him for was some advice for my surgeon on what type of plasma to use, mu surgery had already been approved and ready to go. Well he stopped me in my tracks with "Have you tried any serious diets? "I have had success with the Atkins diet.....I have lost a total of 30#!!!!" Of course he said he gained it all back but was ready to try it again! The nerve. Then his Resident assistant says "yeah my girlfriend tried that and she lost 5#" Now at this point I was shaking. He actuallt wrote to my surgeon and said he wants me to diet rather that undergo surgery. His opinion on the subject was not even an issue, We just needed to know how much plasma to use for the surgery. My PCP, surgeon and insurance were all ready to go and already approved everything. I was livid, but overcame it! Just goes to show ya we at least have each other on our journey. Take care Diana G from MI
   — Diana G.

January 6, 2000
I can add a story for you!! I had to go to a cardiologist to also get clearance for surgery (scheduled 1-19-00!) and he was very much against the surgery. I endured about 30 minutes of him telling me going on a diet, ANY diet, would be better than surgery. Well, 2 weeks later, I had a follow up appt. to go over my tests (he had already cleared me for surgery) and his nurse, who hadn't expressed an opinion at my first appt., told me in secret that he had the surgery 20 years ago and would never go back!!! He didn't say anything at my 1st appt. because he didn't want to affect my decision. The Dr. doesn't even know, and I doubt he will ever tell him:) By the way, I never did see the Dr. that day as he kept me waiting 90 minutes and I decided I didn't really need to hear his opinion of the surgery again. The test results were already faxed to my surgeon, so why go through it? All I can say is I am glad I went and saw that nurse again and he told me about the success he has had since surgery! Good Luck, and don't let anybody deter you from either the surgery, or a new exercise regime!!
   — M B.

August 3, 2002
Ouch! You sure did get a hard sales pitch. I doubt that trainer was really thinking about you at all. She only wanted your money. Whenever I hear sentences like "Have you ever tried any type of weightloss program?" or as Diana Geier's hemotologist said, "Have you tried any serious diets?" it should be a great big warning signal that the person speaking is profoundly ignorant on this topic. They are completely clueless on what brings anyone to the point of considering WLS. Naturally, if your trainer who was begging you for a job insists on doing things her way then she can also pay for the training sessions. Avoid that woman like the plague. She is not there to help you but is motivated by pure avarice. Which interestingly enough is a form of gluttony, something slimmer members of our happy society swear they take no part in.
   — Carmen K.

August 3, 2002
JoAnn.. your story makes my teeth itch! Please PLEASE go to the fitness manager at your new gym and request a different trainer. Remember YOU are the paying customer, for an employee of the gym to speak to you like that is over the line and grossy improper! I signed up at a gym three weeks ago, I am almost nine weeks post op.. I told the manager giving me the tour straight up that I had had surgery, and that I wanted to part of any kind of nutritional monitoring. I had to have a medical release to join, and my surgeon supported me in marking "No nutritional consultation permitted" on on the release. I understand your need for the convenience of this facility and I applaud you. .but DO NOT let them walk all over you.. stand up for your rights as a paying customer. Please email me if I can be of help or support. Not all personal trainers are that militant.. I sure hope you can find one who listens to you and respects you. That woman who hard sold you needs an attitude adjustment!
   — Joscelin

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