How do I tell my clients that I need time off for surgery and for how long?

I run my own Day Care business and my surgery could be set for anywhere between Sept to Dec. How do I prepare my clients for this time away, do I need to tell them the type of surgery and how long before I can return to work. I care for a 6 month old and a two year old that both need diaper changes. so max I'd be lifting 50 pounds several times a day for the two year old and 15 for the infant. The other children that I have are two very active 4 years old who will need transport to pre-school and much attention when they are home. Anyone who has advise.....please do. I had back surgery and really returned back too early. I don't want to screw this up!!! Thanks, Kitty >^..^<    — Kitty S. (posted on July 27, 2000)

July 27, 2000
You need to talk with your surgeon concerning when you can return to work. But I would think at least 6 weeks. Small children are very demanding. You will not be able to drive for several weeks, depending on the type of surgery you have and the medication used for pain. If you do not want them to know the type surgery you are having tell them you will be having major abdominal surgery and that you will not be able to care for their children for x amount of weeks and that as soon as the date is set you will let them know so that they will have time to make other temporary arrangments. Good Luck hope you get your date soon.
   — ann A.

July 27, 2000
There is absolutely no need to tell your clients what type of surgery you had. When I felt it necessary, I told people I was having abdominal surgery. Your surgeon will determine when you can return to work. For me, I only took 2 weeks off, but was not allowed to lift more than 20 pounds for 8 weeks, and even now, I am still careful about lifting too much since the possibility of getting a hernia will increase if I lift too much. For example, I moved several weeks ago, and I made sure I had LOTS of help. Children can be very heavy, and as most of us know, you pick them up numerous times throughout the day which can be very straining and tiring. You do not want to put yourself in the position of having to care for the kids and then not being able to perform your duties (like picking them up) well. This protects you and the kids. It's better to give yourself extra time, than not enough. You can always call your clients and let them know you're ready to return to work, but it would be very difficult to start and then have to stop again. Just give them as much notice as possible so that they can make other day care arrangements.
   — Paula G.

July 27, 2000
Kitty: No, don't tell them what type of surgery you are having, unless you want to. Tell them you are having major abdominal surgery. It is very important that you don't lift over 10 pounds for 6 to 8 weeks, then gradually up that amount. I think you may need to get a replacement for 2 to 4 months since you are a daycare provider. Of course, others may disagree - but this will definitely help you avoid an incisional hernia surgery again in the future. Is it worth it? I'd say no - and take that from someone who has been there, done that. Best wishes on your surgery: it will change your life!
   — Cindy H.

July 27, 2000
Kitty, To bad we don't live closer, I to have my own daycare in my home. I have told all my people they are very supportive. My problem is that I can't afford to take alot of time off. I really have not asked my people about time off but some have offered to help out but 6 or 8 weeks is out of the question. I only had 2 weeks for my hysterectomy with no problems. I don't know if your clients would be willing to find a fill-in for a couple of weeks, they should have a back-up but maybe not. I'm very good friends with the people I babysit for but they still need to work. And because of my being so responsible no one has a back-up and I don't think that they would sit around and wait. Contact me if you need to talk. People unless they have our job don't understand. THIS WLS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO US!!
   — Colleen K.

July 27, 2000
Kitty, To bad we don't live closer, I to have my own daycare in my home. I have told all my people they are very supportive. My problem is that I can't afford to take alot of time off. I really have not asked my people about time off but some have offered to help out but 6 or 8 weeks is out of the question. I only had 2 weeks for my hysterectomy with no problems. I don't know if your clients would be willing to find a fill-in for a couple of weeks, they should have a back-up but maybe not. I'm very good friends with the people I babysit for but they still need to work. And because of my being so responsible no one has a back-up and I don't think that they would sit around and wait. Contact me if you need to talk. People unless they have our job don't understand. THIS WLS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO US!!
   — Colleen K.

July 27, 2000
Hi Kitty, just woundering is there any way you could hire someone at a lower rate then you receive to watch the children while you getting healthly? One way to keep the imcome coming in too. If you feel good about telling someone about what kind of surgery then don't,they need not know your personal business. Kids are alot of work so please take all the time you need. Thanks Cathy
   — Cathy B.

August 8, 2000
Tell the clients that you are going to have a surgical procedure done and you will have to take of for X amount of time. Talk to your doctor and see how much time that you will have to take off. My babysitter had WLS done last month on a Thursday and was back to work on the next Monday. I personally thought this was way to soon but, she said it was her business and she worked with help from some friends the first few days and her older kids have helped since then also. Last Friday she got sick (her fault) from not eating and drinking enough. She is now having problems from going back to work so soon and will have to quit keeping kids for a while. I did not tell you that to scare you but, to make you aware that you will need to take at least a few weeks off and let it be at that. Look for other alternitive sitter needs for your parents while you are off and this will ensure loyalty from your clients. Good luck!
   — Kaire S.

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