Is anyone else afraid to give away the clothes they have 'ingrown'?

My grandmother recently died. Now I am having problems with feeling like I am eating all the time. I am afraid to give away my large clothes for fear I will need them again. I am afraid I won't lose any more weight. I am 3 mos. post, down 60+ pounds and seem to have these irrational fears. Guess what I need is some encouragement. Thanks. Jill    — Jill C. (posted on October 1, 2000)

October 1, 2000
Jill, I'm so sorry about your Grandmother's passing. I can understand how losing a loved one can trigger some old behaviors. I've had maybe 3 isolated bouts with wanting to eat, and I find that isolating the trigger helps. After that, I wait about 30 minutes or tell myself I have to finish a bottle of water before I can eat again. Finding an activity will take your mind off of it too. Or if you must eat, eating something like dill pickles or a piece of fresh fruit or veggies can help. I too, haven't gotten rid of my larger clothes, 1) because they still fit, although they are baggy; 2) I am afraid that I won't lose anymore, because I have failed so many times before; 3) I don't have a whole lot of clothes to begin with; 4) I have to find a job before I can start buying more! So, I have decided I am hanging on to them until December, because by then they won't be wearable and then just in time for taxes, I will donate them. By then, I should be a little more confident this time its going to work. My heart goes out to you, hugs...
   — Allie B.

October 1, 2000
I am afraid to giving away my clothes i can't wear anymore because i think I might need them later. I know that this is terrible to think this way. I guess I have been on diet after diet and when i lost I always regained. So far i have lost about 85lbs. Sometimes I feel this surgery was too good to be true. I did give some away last night to a real good friend of mine. Some of my clothes I can't part with just yet. I know those I did give away were really nice office outfits I knew I wouldn't wear again.
   — Sharon T.

October 1, 2000
I am so sorry to hear about your gradmother.I know how you feel my father of only 46yrs past away not evern 5 weeks after i had surgery.At the time all I could eat was junk and lay around I was so depressed.No exercise for weeks or any weight loss at all.I just could not get over it I thought that i would never see a pound come off again and I should keep all my bigger size clothes.My father was so happy the day i told him that i was having my surgery .He was going to get a chance to see his little girl skinny.I thought and thought about this and what I realized is that he could still see me.I would show him i could do it.....I am now 5 1/2 months post and have lost 90 pounds....and have no more clothes wich i can not fit into....
   — DONNA M.

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