Should I stop???

ok im sorry for the email name change i was receiving too much spam...anyway i took the advice that u all gave me and i went to the doctor she diagnosed me with depression and an anxiety disorder she then put me effexor xr..but now she wants me off of it becuz it sedates me makes me nervous and excited but i dont want to stop taking it now becuz its been less than 30days since i have been taking it and i have loss 19lbs. One of the side effects of this med is weight loss..i just filled the prescription and have about 28 more pills left, i figured i could take the rest of the pills and drop hopefully another 20lbs and then take the new prescription. But i need your advice I trust and value your opinions more than anyone elses as u are/have walked in my shoes and we know how important weightloss is too family says i sound like an addict asking for just one more hit but im so close to my goal and another 20lbs would really make me feel great i would then only have 75lbs left to go plz u all i need your honest opinions what would u do??? thanks in advance    — Lynne C. (posted on November 11, 2000)

November 10, 2000
lynn... stop taking the pills... yes, the weight loss is great.... but you're using the pills to achieve something that your surgery and post-surgical behavior should achieve... once you've lost another 20 lbs... what will it be then? "just 5 more"? or another medication? you've got more issues that just depression.... listen to your doctor...
   — Sarah Z.

November 11, 2000
I've been taking Effexor XR for more than a year, with excellent improvement in mood and energy and complete elimination of food cravings. For the first 6 weeks or so, I had side effect symptoms similar to those you describe, but they wore off. I'm now 4 wks post-op (RNY-distal) and had to increase the dose by 75 mg to obtain the same therapeutic effect, but otherwise no problems. This is an excellent drug, but it may take you time to adapt. I suggest you ask your prescriber to continue a little longer to see what happens.
   — Linda B.

November 11, 2000
Have you asked your doc about the regular effexor (it is a tablet as opposed to a capsule) I find them to be absorbed differently. I do not have to take mine at night as they do not make me sleepy and other side effects have disappeared in the years I have been taking them. Depression is not something you can just stop taking meds with, I would suggest some counseling to go along with your meds. Keep trying different counselors until you find one that you feel is really helping you. A good counselor is worth their weight in gold. Good luck.
   — Jill C.

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