Has anyone been placed on psycological hold? Does this effect the insurance approval?

Has anyone ever been placed on a psychological hold? I went to my required psych evaluation on January 12th. While I was there the psychologist told me he was going to place me on hold. He is recommending that I began therapy for at least four weeks then he will consider releasing me if I continue the therapy. Is this normal? He was basing this on my dysfunctional childhood and because I have made some poor choices in relationships. I’m not suicidal never have and never will be nor am I bulimic or anorexic. Yes, I do take anti-depressants and do suffer from depression. My insurance co. was waiting on this report to approve my surgery. After this, will they deny me? Please give me some advise. Thanks…Patty    — chasenryann (posted on January 13, 2001)

January 13, 2001
I would ask for a second opinion. I too suffered a horendous childhood, and had one bad relationship after another. I am not on any meds..but, I still think you should ask again. The fact that you are on antdepressants shouldn't matter. Half of the world is. Good luck
   — [Anonymous]

January 13, 2001
A couple things you might want to try: First, contact your insurance company to see what their guidelines might be. Second, speak with your surgeon and see what they think and would they be willing to intercede for you. It's my under- standing that the physic evaluation is to be used as a tool to help you understand the changes that you and your body will be going through. Most of us are at this point because life hasn't been a bowl of cherries. Finally, third dump this Dr. and find a physic Dr. who has more experience dealing with overweight issues and this type of surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

January 13, 2001
It sounds like you are experiencing my biggest fear from the psychiatric evaluation. Luckily I already had my own psychiatrist who was treating me. I contacted her and asked her to write a letter for me for the surgeon. She was familiar with my past and the reasons for wanting and needing the surgery. She wrote the letter and the surgeon approved of in it place of the psychiatric evaluation. I was so afraid if I saw someone that did not know me would not understand and would get hung up on my past instead of looking at my present and towards the future. I hope things work out well for you.
   — colers

January 13, 2001
I've been seeing this more and more lately. I'm wondering if this isn't a handy little income producing tool for some unscrupulous persons. I mean, how would they know you are "cured" in 4 weeks? Might they then require 6 more months? It's sort of an emotional blackmail. I think there are some sound suggestions here from the others, as far as checking to see if your ins is going to hold your surgery based on a perhaps very biased eval.
   — vitalady

January 13, 2001
Hi Patty: You certainly have a right to a second opinion. As a professional mental health provider, I think the psychologist is probably more concerned with his/her own liability in varifying your competence to elect this surgery rather than trying to make money by exploiting you in therapy. I am not a psychologist - I am a social worker. It may be that this particular person has biases about WLS. Perhaps this is an opportunity for you to educate another provider? As for the dysfunction, most people I know are or have been "dysfunctional" at some point in their lives. I really don't like the word "dysfunctional" as in my experience all behavior IS purposeful. With a history of poor choices (and who hasn't made them) I am thinking this person wants to be assured you are competent to make THIS choice and not have it turn out to be a mistake. What this provider does not realize perhaps is the emotional toll that obesity plays or how metabolism can get really screwed up by dieting. The fact is all of us have had bad things happen to us - SO WHAT? So what do we do about it now? The bottom line is "I'm OK, You're OK". Hope this helps somewhat.
   — jeff P.

January 13, 2001
I would like to give thanks to everyone that has sent words of encouragement and has kept me in there prayers.
   — chasenryann

June 27, 2001
i'm currently on a psych hold due to the fact that i didn't eat enough well i'm doing good in therpy and my doc said in about another month i will be ready to continue to gain approval for the surgery. i think going to therpy will help you i know i't helping me according to the dr's nurse since its recomended and you go it shows the insurance that you will do what is required for your surgery to be a sucess. it can only help you.
   — lawanda101

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