Do I really need a tummy tuck or can I do exercise to reduce it?

I'm only two months post op but I really don't need a another operation so I was wondering if anyone knew of any exercise to reduce the skin on your belly and the arms?    — Linda G. (posted on February 26, 2001)

February 26, 2001
I also feel like you. I don't want a tummy tuck if it can be helped so I asked my doctor....unfortunally he said exercise will help but the skin is stretched and won't bounce back.of course I'm 46 if your young then maybe you have a better chance. Good Luck
   — Sharon F.

April 9, 2001
I just had my surgery on 3/27 and my concern was over the need for plastic surgery but the doctor told me that I probably wont need it. I am 34 and weighed 325 when I went in, I am now down to 302 in two weeks time and soon I will be able to exercise. I certainly do not want to have another surgery and tummy tuck is a lot like a c-section. After all, I have 2 scars already, gall bladder and this surgery, if I have another I am going to look like an Atlas! I think if you do a lot of walking and get some help from a trainer at a gym, they could help you learn exercise that target specific body parts. Good luck......
   — Christine J.

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