I am 16 days from surgery and have the flu

I am 16 days from surgery and I have the flue. Can anyone recommend a quick flu remedy. Will this effect my surgery as long as I'm over it by my surgery date. I don't want to reschedule but If it will effect my surgery then I need to take precausions. I would love some kind of feedback. Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 9, 2001)

March 9, 2001
If this is truly the flu call your Dr and see abotu getting flu medicine I think Flumadine is out there for influenza. It you have something else they may be able to recommend stuff to. Take it easy, rest get lots of fluids. Tell your surgeon what you are taking or planing on taking to make sure there will be no issues when your surgery comes up.
   — Dawn R.

March 9, 2001
I was throwing up all day the Saturday before my surgery on Wednesday. I recovered quickly though, and am sure it wasn't the flu, must a nasty stomach virus. My doctor didn't blink an eye when I told him, and surgery went ahead as usual. I'm 2 mos post-up now and have had no problems. Good luck.
   — Lili R.

March 9, 2001
Ask your doctor for Tamiflu (prescription only), get plenty of rest and drink lots and lots of water. Oh, echinacea (sp) would help releive some of the symptoms. Best of luck
   — corpdiva2006

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