Does weight loss help to alleviate depression?

I've read several profiles of folks who no longer need to take their blood pressure medicines or diabetes medicines -- how about antidepressants? I've been clinically depressed all of my adult life (and probablly before), and while the prospect of feeling "normal" physically is nice, I'd like to know if I'll begin to feel more "normal" emotionally. I've been on antidepressants since college, and I'm 34-years-old! I realize that WLS will not solve all of my problems, but if I could just lick these two things -- morbid obesity and depression -- I think I might have a fighting chance. My surgery date is October 9. Thanks for any comments.    — Felissa L. (posted on August 28, 2001)

August 28, 2001
I've been taking depression medication for years as well. I had the surgery 6 months ago and I think it has helped alot. It gives you hope for one thing and another benefit (per my doctor) is that the chemical imbalance that causes the depression may right itself somewhat. This happens with other medical conditions when you lose weight. I just saw my psychiatrist last week and he thinks I will be able to at least start lowering my dosage and perhaps eventually be completely of the meds.
   — [Anonymous]

August 28, 2001
I have been on anti-depressants for several years and I just had surgery 6 weeks ago. My psychiatrist and bariatric surgeon both said I should stay on my meds for at least the first year after surgery. I have already experienced some depression after surgery, which I was told is normal. It is also normal to go through some depression during the weight loss period. Staying on the meds for the first year can help keep your depression in check. For me I would rather take a pill every day than feel the way I did before I took meds.
   — Kathy M.

August 28, 2001
I am also bi-polar. I have been on medication for many years. I am now 2 months post-op and while I have had some depression (which is very normal during recovery from major surgery) I have been able to lower the dosages of my meds. I certainly have a more positive outlook and the feelings of hopelessness are less prevalent. My psychiatrist told me that being healtier and exercising regularly would help my mental health but that I will probably need to stay on some meds indefinately.
   — Jonathan M.

August 28, 2001
I still need to take Welbutrin. That has'nt changed. Yes I still have depression and it got worse after surgery! I got hit hard by the post surgery blues but now I am back to my "normal" depression. ;)
   — Danmark

August 28, 2001
I have been depressed on and off for years. lots of family deaths etc. Antidepressants dont agree with me, and since january I was really dragging over surgery and all that goes with it. GLAD to report that within a couple days after surgery my whole attitude changed and the depression lifted. I HONESTLY expected to die in surgery, waking up I said to myself I actually made it I survived.......... I honestly feel reborn and at least for now my depression is gone, along with 46 pounds as of today.
   — bob-haller

August 28, 2001
I was one of those people with situational depression. I took prosac for years on and off. I really hated the way I looked and felt and the more I tried to improve myself and failed, the more I hated myself. After surgery I was more in control of myself and my health improved I started to like myself again , and I am no longer depressed and have no need for antidepresents.
   — Rose A.

August 28, 2001
It depends on if you are cliniclly depressed. "depression" is a chemical imbalance. I do seem a bit better since surgery but I really think it's also to exercising which raises seritonan levels and can sometimes help with depression.
   — [Anonymous]

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