Anyone have varicose veins removed surgically?

I am scheduled to have a severly blocked vein removed from my leg. It runs the complete length of my thigh and curves around behind my knee extending about 6 inches behind my calf. The doctor told me she would have to make about 30 tiny incisions along the vein to completely remove it. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar precedure and was it painful? How long to recoup before returning to work. My doctor is saying three weeks but I was only out 2 weeks when I had my RNY over a year ago! Would appreciate any feedback on this type of surgery...thanks. (16 months post-op and have gone from 316 lbs down to 168 and stuck on a MAJOR 3 month plateau!)    — Tracey D. (posted on October 9, 2001)

October 9, 2001
Hi Tracey, I do not have any recent experience with this type of surgery, but when I was a child, my mother had it done. And, yes, she had lots of tiny incisions along the calf areas of her legs. She had an incredible amount of varicose veins. They were very "knotty" and blue. Those small scars are no longer visible and her legs are beautiful-she's 61. Fortunately, I did not inherit this predisposition to developing the full blown varicose veins. I have lots and lots of "spider veins", especially behind my knees at my thigh area. I hope this helps a little. As far as the time off of work, I am sure there is the concern of being on your feet and also of sitting in a position that would inhibit blood flow. Three weeks sounds about right to me. Shelley
   — Shelley.

October 10, 2001
Tracey, I had some veins removed from my calf a few years ago. It was painful, but I had crutches to help me get around, I was only told to stay off of my feet for a few days and to elevate when I was at work. Good Luck. by the way my scaring is bad because I didnt listen to my follow up orders.
   — Kathy H.

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