Am I the only one that can't eat meat, chicken, beef, etc.?

I am 3 months post-op and I hate fish, never did like it. The only thing I can eat is beef jerky without getting sick. I have to make my own jerky, and at least I can make it taste different, but when can I expect to eat chicken and beef?? I would love to get some protein from meats..    — Mary Lee R. (posted on July 7, 2002)

July 7, 2002
I cannt eat pork of anykind! But shredded chicken and ground beef stay down great. Try eating ground beef with cheese melted on top or gravy of some kind. The gravy or cheese seem to make things go down smoother. GOOD LUCK!
   — Shannon L.

July 7, 2002
Mary, I had my surgery on May 1 and still cannot eat beef or chicken or most meat in general. This morning I scrambled and egg, at 3 bites (small) and felt like it was going to come up, but didn't. I find it so discouraging. I live on cottage cheese, sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast, and Luna Bars (a protein bar but only has 10 grams). I have not gotten the results yet of my blood work and am anxious to see if I am doing OK. I can eat chili sometimes and that is the only meat I can handle. Tuna fish is OK sometimes...I have only tried it 4 times. I am really cautious about eating so I am really looking forward to reading other replies to your question. Good luck. All I keep telling myself is that I am only 9 weeks post and it will get better someday!!
   — Brenda A.

July 7, 2002
hi all, i too have a lot of trouble with chicken, turkey and tuna. just this afternoon, i ate a healthy choice turkey and rice dinner, and i have been throwing up ever since. that turkey just does not want to stay down. tuna did it to me early on, and i am scared to try it again as long as i have other things i can eat. i am almost 3 months post op (4/9/02) and i can eat ground meat and beef, chewed well, of course, and that's about it for meat. i eat lots of cottage cheese and fruit, yogurt, cereal, milk, and protein bars (they taste like candy or cookie bars to me ) from GNC....they have 30-35 gms protein each, so if i get two in a day, i am doing well! i have my 3 month check this wednesday along with bloodwork, so we shall see how i am doing. so far i have plateaued this week at 60 lbs but that is fine by me!!! good luck to you nancy
   — Nancy D.

July 7, 2002
try going to your local deli and getting turkey, chicken, and roast beef that is sliced very thin. that seemed to do the trick for me when i was first getting started. also, one of you said you could tolerate chili....i make mine with ground turkey, and several different kinds of beans...garbanzos, pinto, kidney, black beans. between the ground turkey and the is LOADED with protein. best of luck to you.
   — deb_wls2001

July 7, 2002
I cant eat chicken either. And it sure HURTS when its coming back up! I am almost 7 weeks post op. I eat shrimp without a problem as well as ground beef. Tuna is iffy. I sure miss chicken as we used to grill it alot in the summer. I cant eat ANY pork either. Mayyyyybe a piece of bacon.I too keep saying it will get better I am still a newbie!~ I think if you get sick on something maybe try it again in a month and maybe prepare it a bit differently. I find that anything I eat with a sauce or gravey goes down MUCH better and wendys chili ROCKS!!!~ Good luck
   — Sassy M.

July 7, 2002
At 3 months I was still having a tough time with all meats. I was gradually able to tolerate all of them. Steak finally at 6 mo. post-op. I am now 8 months post and can tolerate anything. It does get better.
   — Cheri M.

July 7, 2002
My doctor recommends staying away from red meat until month 5. It may just be too early for your pouch. Also, I hear that really good cuts of meat such as filet mignon go down better.
   — Jennifer Y.

July 7, 2002
reading all your responses i guess i'm one of the lucky ones. i am 2 months post op and have no problems with any foods. i am not a fish eater at all, but i can eat chicken, hamburg, and even tried steak the other night, no problem. i did have my first vomiting experience (sorry gross), but it was my own fault. i had a few bites of a ham sandwich and was eating too fast and didn't chew. i thought i was going to die with the pain in my chest...good luck...
   — candymom64

July 7, 2002
I think that each of us has different tolerances for different foods and we just have to experiment to see what works for us. I try to eat fish every day but then I like fish so that is not a problem For me, meat all by itself was just too rich and heavy. I mix my meat (ground turkey, ground beef, ground chicken) with an equal amount of plain potato and moisten the mixture with broth or fat-free gravy. Start with a tiny portion like 1 tablespoon of cooked meat and 1 tablespoon of potato mixed with a couple of teaspoons of broth or gravy. Make it wetter if it goes down better that way. If you are able to tolerate that ratio of meat to potato after awhile, cut down the amount of potato and increase the amount of meat. I am now able to tolerate turkey and chicken dark meat without grinding it. I still have problems with white meat and unground beef is still off in the future sometime. Does your dislike of fish extend to shellfish as well? Shrimp and prawns were the very first thing I could tolerate. A typical dinner might be ground meat mixed with grated vegetables and seasonings made into meatballs and simmered in a fat-free gravy. Served with potatos and a salad. My portion would be a meatball or two mixed with potato and gravy. I hope this post makes sense and I hope you can soon tolerate some kind of meat in your diet. Good luck.
   — Julia O.

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