Surgery Date scheduled for Dec 16th and scared to Death.

Hi everyone!! I have a date sched.But I am scared to death!! I am finding every reason in the world to not have this done..Why? I am so scared that Im going to Die on the Table and leave my kids Without a Mother..Am i normal? This thought Consumes my every wakeing Moment! Why? Iv never had surgery before but I know that this is Definatly what i want to do.But why am I so scared? HELP!!!!!    — Alana T. (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 13, 2002
Hi, I know how you feel - I'm scheduled 12-6-02 for an Open RNY. I've gone through a number of other surgeries, and even though I work in the health-care field I still have anxiety. But I look at it this way - if I don't have surgery I will end up with co-morbidities and face the possibility of poor quality of life or even death. I want to be able to have the surgery while I am still healthy before I end up having a surgery that is related to my obesity, like coronary artery bypass, etc. Good luck! I'll keep you in my prayers. :-)
   — Debra L. H.

November 13, 2002
Hi Alana, Your fears are very normal. I am about to schedule a surgery date and also have a few misgivings. Two years ago I had open heart surgery for a bypass, but had only one night to anticipate the event after being hospitalized after a test and told by my doctor that I had about 6 months left if I did nothing. That was adequate incentive! Anyway, as they say in the military, there are no athiests in foxholes. There are not many the evening before surgery. If you are a religeous person, put yourself in God's hands (and the hands of his instrument...your surgeon). After some serious prayer the night before my surgery, I was given a feeling of peace and acceptance of His will. That was all that was needed. My doctor who recommended the WLS said that I could expect to add a year of extended life expectancy for every 10 lbs I lost. That 100 lbs will give me another 10 years with my family (including a newly arrived grandson). Think of that extra time with your children and family. It should help fortify you. My prayers are with you. All the best.
   — Bob T.

November 13, 2002
hiya alana, it's kate {{hugs}} were you able to find a wls support group in your area? i think it would be very helpful to meet with other wls'ers in your area in person. i understand your fears and it's normal... courage is acknowledging your fear and walking through it...i think you can do this. just take it one day (or one hour) at a time until your surgery date...keep in touch with'll be ok! {{hugs}} kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

November 13, 2002
Alana~ We have the same date! We can be surgery buddies - email me if you are interested. I'm sooooooo nervous. I guess it doesn't seem real yet. I was watching the Dateline thing last night and for a brief moment I thought, 'I wish I could lose like that' - and then it dawned on me - duh! I <i>AM</i> going to be losing like that. I'm scared of the change, but I know it's something that I need to do. I just keep thinking of what life will be like in a year -- no more back and hip pain, no more being out of breath, no more ill-fitting clothes - yay! We are almost there hon! We can do it together!
   — Toni C.

November 13, 2002
Hi Alana, You are having surgery the day before me!!! Like you I am excited and scared... that is most definitely normal... would we be normal if we were'nt scared? Keep your chin up and think positive! Sheryl
   — Sheryl W.

November 14, 2002
Alana,,,I hear ya!!! I was sooo scared to have this surgery, that I cancelled it 2 years ago, and then went through with it 6 months ago. I so regret cancelling,,,I have lost 125 pounds since the end of April, and I feel so much healthier and happier. I have an 11 and 16 year old, and I was also worried about leaving them, but I had to do this not only for me but also them, so I would be around for them as they get older, and the way I was going (345 pds), I was bound to start having health problems. I have been a nurse for 21 years and have never sent a patient off to surgery who did'nt come back to me. I was wearing a size 30,and now am into a 16. I feel so much better about myself and get compliments every day. I am no longer on any meds, and can walk, and do normal things with my family that I could'nt before. This was the right decision for me, I just hate that I wasted 2 years of my life because of being scared. Good luck to you, and hang in there,,you'll do fine,,,Susie
   — Susie R.

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