All 5 of my lap incisions are keloid.

What methods and success have y'all had with repairing keloids. My surgeon said he could re-cut and try to repair but recomended I see a dermatoligist first. My appt. is in Feb. I am 8 mos post op and lost my mind when I met a 4week post-op patient at my Dr.'s office. Her incisions were almost invisible. Hers were little white lines. Mine are fat purple and bumpy. Whah!!! Help me!    — Michelle H. (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
Some of us are just "lucky" and develop keloids. Makes me think twice about the long scars that a tummy tuck or arm lifts entail. I have heard about the injections that you can receive to flatten them but haven't checked it out myself. Mine are less ropey/raised and more wide, kinda like they spread out, instead of the thin almost invisible white line it should be. I also had lap and used Mederma which I think did help, though they are still keloid.
   — Cindy R.

January 13, 2003
I had the same experience. Mine looked like little worms and were raised and purpley. (Is that a word? :P) They are still wormy but are now light pink, almost the shade of the rest of my skin. And they are a little flatter. As I had lap because I needed less recovery time and not to escape scardom *hee hee* I was not too upset. It ain't gonna stop me from wearing a bikini! (Now the stretch marks are another story altogether . . .)
   — ctyst

January 13, 2003
I had surgery when I was 7, scar down the length of my abdomen and most of it keloided. When I was 7 it didn't matter when I got older it did. The most successful treatment for my existing scar was silicone sheets. I had cortisone shots, but the silicone sheets worked so well, I plan to use them as soon as my scar(s) get past the scabbing stage after my surgery tomorrow. There is a web site I am ordering from called They are a bit pricey but will be worth every penny to me. Check it out.
   — Gina C.

January 13, 2003
Hi, I had my surgery 9 weeks ago and I am a keloid developer too. Because I have an infected sebaceous cyst on my shoulder, I had to see a plastic surgeon today. He drained my cyst and packed it, in a couple months he will take me to surgery to remove the sac under the skin or it will come back. ugh,, at any rate, he asked me what surgeries I have had, and I told him open rny, and he took a look at my scar, and said, yep you are a keloid. I asked him if there is anything that can be done, and he said no, some doctors have tried things, but it usually makes it worse. I asked him what caused it, and he said poor healing, he said I am a poor healer. oh great, so that means this cyst on my shoulder will also be keloid as will the mole he is going to take off my forehead cause he thinks it is skin cancer. I am not having a good day. Debbi
   — DarlinIYQ

January 13, 2003
I'm a keloid former. Only part of my scar, but enough that it is like a draw string too tight. I've done the injections to flatten & soften (for me, had to be treated on the inside) and Scargo for the redness as the scar relaxed. Got it pretty nice after my TT and then needed revision to my WLS & had to start ALL OVER AGAIN. NOt sure who was more upset, me or my derma! LOL!
   — vitalady

January 13, 2003
Yeah...mine, too! But I'm down 100 pounds and wear a size 10 after seven months, so I can live with it! I used silicone tape for the first month or so. I bought Mederma but can't apply it three times a day. I just bought Kelocote this weekend.... Even if they never get flat, it was worth it!
   — Pamela B.

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