I'm 5 weeks post-op and I'm having problems with hearburn.

I was on a presciption anti-acid before having SRVG. I was off the medication for about a week after the surgery before severve heartburn started to occur. I went back on a presciption med, follow my doctor's eating advice stictly, drink plenty of fluids, etc. And yet I still have to drink OTC anti-acids and chew TUMS. The heartburn is better but still present. Is this situation usual? Does it go away? When? Also, at night my stomach growls and gurgles until I take some liquid anti-acid. Does anyone else have that experience? Thanks for your help!    — jules R. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 20, 2003
Wow everyone I have talked to says their heartburn was completely gone after surgery, could it be something you are eating? Maybe they should see if you are getting an ulcer or something? Best Of Luck To You~!
   — Saxbyd

October 20, 2003
Hi there! I had heartburn at 2 weeks post op. My dr said it was because my acid reflux was so bad before. He prescribed me liquid Carafe. After taking it for about 3-4 days it completely went away. Maybe you can ask your dr for it. Take Care:)
   — SandyG

October 20, 2003
Hi! You can still have an acid problem even after having surgery...You should get on an acid reducing medication as the heartburn can cause a stricture to develop.
   — jennifer A.

October 20, 2003
I used pepcid for around 2 weeks between my 5th and 7th weeks post-op. It did wonders. Check with your Doc.
   — M B.

October 21, 2003
I am 3 1/2 weeks post-op. My surgeon told me to continue to take my reflux medication or pepcid AC for a year since there is a risk of developing ulcers during that time. Best advice, call your doctor. Even with the anti-acid medication, I've had one bout of pretty severe heartburn and it definitely wasn't from something I ate since I was still on liquids when it happened. My stomach growls and gurgles too but it seems to be when I drink too fast or too much. It's kind of like a signal to tell me to slow down.
   —  SCbabe B.

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