I am 5 weeks post op. I have lost 9 lbs in the last three weeks.

I walk 3 miles a day. How much did everyone else lose weekly.    — Randy W. (posted on May 25, 2004)

May 24, 2004
My average for the first 6 months was 15#'s a month.
   — barbara A.

May 24, 2004
That's great progress in my opinion. I was a lightweight and I didn't lose that fast. Keep up the GREAT work! Best wishes to you.
   — ronascott

May 24, 2004
thats fabulous, I hit a plateu about 3 weeks out and sat there for a month thinking I was a failure, that I had surgery to lose weight and only lost 30 pounds and that was it! now , at >1 1/2 years I have lost 130 pounds. My dr. explained it like this. you will lose weight and have a series of plateus. It is faster at first , then slows down. this is normal. Your pouch will and is supposed to stretch out. You could not live the rest of your life on 1 oz of food 5 or 6 times a day. After a year it is normal to eat 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food at a meal If you graze or consistantly over eat you will gain weight back. I personnally lost weight through most of the process only one week out of a month. I had lost 100 pounds on my 9 month anniversary. at one year I was down about 120, then stopped loosing at about 15 months. I am where I want to be. I also feel strongly that going in with an open mind is really important to your own happpiness through this process. Keep health goals first and formost. Don't tie yourself to I must always loose X pounds a month. I now am very glad my dr did not tell me a specific goal weight. Just to see where my body's comfortable weight settles in. He also warned me to expect to regain aprox 10 % of what I lost. so far I have not gained but I am careful. If you follow your program and keep exercising you will get HEALTHY! good luck. feel free to email me if you have any questions or just need to talk!
   — **willow**

May 25, 2004
Randy...9 pounds in 3 weeks is a good weight loss. I'm 20 weeks post op and I remember how uneasy I was because I didn't feel I was losing as well as others in my area who'd had the surgery. My surgeon told me I was smack in the middle of normal range, but still, I felt like the surgery wasn't working as well as with my friends. So, in the following few weeks, it was a difficult time for me, constantly worrying. Then, as time went on, I managed to get it thru to my brain that I am average and normal and my 2 friends who'd had the surgery and lost weight at an unbelievable rate were the ones who weren't average...they lost at a rate considered to be extremely fast. At 20 weeks out, I'm at 73 pounds and am very happy to be there. I weigh everyday (which you're not supposed to do because when you have those gains it's hard to stay positive) but I don't stress over it anymore. I am diligent to weight and measure EVERY single thing that goes into my mouth. I try my best to get at least 64-72 oz of fluids per day and I try to get my 75 grams of protein down each day too. I can't do the protein shakes or bars because they cause me to be very bloated and I throw up. I also am diligent with an aerobic type exercise for 35 minutes each day, usually 4-6 days a week. I work out at a gym and this has helped immensely. I hope this helps somewhat and good luck with your weight loss.
   — Katherine F.

May 26, 2004
It varies, it varies, and again it varies. Try not to compare your lost with someone else's. At 6 weeks you are still holding onto fluid from the surgery - Poof you wake up one day and amazingly you are surprised - I stayed away from the scale until doctor visits, but I could tell by my cloths - first some would not fit, then snug, then BOOM - dang nabbit - they are too big - and you're out shopping for something that fits - but don't buy too much - because -guess - what - yup you're right - now your new clothes are too big. Unless you've got a ton of money, you'll have to learn to be conservative when shopping. - Thift shops allowed me to shop like a diva - $50.00 I had an entire new wardrobe! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY TO A HEALTHIER AND HOPEFULLY HAPPIER YOU!
   — Anna M.

May 26, 2004
It varies, it varies, and again it varies. Try not to compare your lost with someone else's. At 6 weeks you are still holding onto fluid from the surgery - Poof you wake up one day and amazingly you are surprised - I stayed away from the scale until doctor visits, but I could tell by my cloths - first some would not fit, then snug, then BOOM - dang nabbit - they are too big - and you're out shopping for something that fits - but don't buy too much - because -guess - what - yup you're right - now your new clothes are too big. Unless you've got a ton of money, you'll have to learn to be conservative when shopping. - Thift shops allowed me to shop like a diva - $50.00 I had an entire new wardrobe! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY TO A HEALTHIER AND HOPEFULLY HAPPIER YOU!
   — Anna M.

May 30, 2004
I am almost 5 months out. I have been hitting platue's (sp) since almost week three. I would lose nothing for a couple of weeks. Then all the sudden I would lose 8. Right now I haven't lost anything for the past 3 weeks. It is frustrating know that you should be losing something but you aren't. I have lost two inches in my stomach in the past three weeks though
   — Cameron Van Winkle

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