Do I need to get a SLD repaired?

I have a staple line rupture after an RNY in 2/03. The surgeon I went to (not my original surgeon) told me it was just too risky to do the repair. I would just have to start dieting again to lose the weight I have gained back. I have read alot about repairs and it seems to me that it is risky, yes, but it can be done. I need some input on what I should pursue. I am having pain from it and I am gaining weight, 30 lbs so far. HELP!!! Thanks, Felicia    — Felicia R. (posted on October 12, 2005)

October 12, 2005
yes, you need to find a surgeon willing to repair your SLD. I had a complete sld at 4 months post op. I developed a bleeding ulcer at my anastomosis as a result and was very ill. I would reccomend you contacting Dr Ki H Oh in Federal Way, Washington.. he is an excellent surgeon, and has done many repairs on people and revisions on patients all across the country. Take care Peachy hugs, Gina [email protected]
   — Gina Landers

October 12, 2005
There are surgeons in Houston that do revisions.
   — Pamela B.

October 13, 2005
For heavens sake, find a skilled surgeon that can help you. This might take alittle research but it will be worth it.
   — jani204

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