Anyone have a problem with bones rubbing together?

I honestly think I have more questions now that I am down to weight than when I hadn't been. Here's another one! Does anyone have a problem sleeping at night because their too boney? I mean my knee bones rub together, my arms have no fat so they also seem to get to hurting if I sleep in the same position for any length of time and my butt hurts if i sleep on my back too long. I talked to my doc and he said it's just a matter of adjustment for the body, but geez it's been months and no adjustment just pain and restlessness. There must be something I can do to alieviate this and I so want to hear if anyone else is going through this. Have not seen this on here before. Thanks to all of you, to me you are all angels, pre-op and post-op. What a wonderful family we all are!    — BARBARA R. (posted on March 29, 2000)

March 28, 2000
Yes, I have the same issues .... Try a pillow between your knees. I bought a body pillow, it softens in all the right places! Good Luck! Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

March 28, 2000
Boy can I relate to this one!! My hips hurt so badly in the bed that I would wake up almost in tears. Also my knees, shoulders and elbows. I went to a chiropractor and massage therapist for about a month and I'm pain free now. JMHO, I think that rapid weight loss gets us out of alignment easily and adjustment as well as excercise is very helpful. Give it a try!
   — Roseann M.

March 28, 2000
Hi Barbara, Yes!! I too have pain now that I am a lot smaller than I was before. My knees rub together and even my hips grind on the bed springs! If I stay in one position, especially if I sleep w/ my elbow crooked under my head & pillow, I wake up w/ a major kink in my elbow!! I thought the joint and bone pain would be gone...but to my amazement, it's gone during the day but haunts me at night LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this "problem" of being smaller =) Good Luck, Marni
   — Marni

March 29, 2000
I have the same things happening to me. Who would have thought that getting thin would cause pain when you're laying in bed!! I have found that using extra pillows helps make sleeping more comfortable.
   — Debbie D.

October 22, 2008
I have some problem i have trouble at night with my hips wear it takes forever to fall asleep. and my joints always pop.
   — acyapi

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