Is it normal to experience a little pre-op depression?

I was so excited about a month ago when I found out I was approved for my RNY. But now that some time has gone by...I'm feeling really weepy and sad all the time. My surgery is scheduled for Mon., May 8th and I just can't wait to get this over with! Also, I was wondering...just how painful is it?    — Tracey D. (posted on April 26, 2000)

April 26, 2000
Tracey, I am a pre-op also and I too experienced some "GRIEVING" when I realized that I had to take this big step. It is sad to think of giving up my "BUDDY" food. I bet that a part of you is doing that as well. There are alot of changes that will occur once you have had the surgery, but also there are alot of changes that go on inside when we are preparing for a large life change. I think it is totally normal to go through those emotions. We are all here if you need to talk...We are all here to support one another.
   — twenc

April 26, 2000
Tracee, What you are feeling is totally normal. You are in for many positive changes in your life, but they are a different way to live. If you are like me, change is difficult, and scary! Also, after a life of using food to hide, I now have to stand front and center in the feelings department, which is also very new to me. However, I was determined that I was going to change for the better, and I have! Let me encourage you that, although change is scary, it is also wonderful! To be able to bend over and tie my shoes (or even cross my legs and tie my shoes!) and all the other "little things" I can do far outreaches the emotional changes I have had to undergo too. I am not saying it is always easy- I have good days and bad days, but when I see that scale going down (even with plateaus), and feel my energy going up, it all becomes worthwhile! As far as the pain issue, that is a very individual thing. I didn't think it was too bad, but others will say it is bad. It all depends on your personal tolerance. My suggestion is if you are in pain- ASK for more pain meds!!! Most Drs. and hospital staff do not want you to be in pain:) All in all, I would do it again in a heartbeat! Keep coming in here and talk to people, they are great! Good Luck!
   — M B.

April 26, 2000
What you are experiencing is perfectly normal. It doesn't make it easier to deal with, but take comfort in knowing that it will pass. My date is May 10, and I am also very excited and wanting to get it over with. But with today being my 2 week to go mark, I have been finding myself very anxious, tense, and a bit frustrated at last minute stupid insurance issues. Hang in there! We will BOTH make it!!!
   — Paula G.

April 30, 2000
Hey!!! Well, you sound like I did a few weeks ago. I felt the same way that you are feeling now. I was so excited then, suddenly I started having horrible thoughts and was very emotional for almost a week. Then, the week before my surgery, (after much praying) something suddenly clicked and I was ready for and comfortable with the choice i had made and very confident in the outcome. I just got out of the hospital today, I had an open rny on Wednesday the 26th. I was scared the day of surgery, which I am sure is quite normal. I will pray for you. You should do the same. I knew that this was what I had to do. Good luck to you!!! Feel free to email me anytime!!!!!
   — Christie D.

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