Does anyone else have panic attacks?

I am prone to having panic attacks when I am under extreme stress of fear. I am worried that I will have one when I am being prepped for surgery. Has anyone else had this same fear?    — Liz K. (posted on April 22, 2001)

April 22, 2001
Liz, I'm pre-op but I can tell you that I too suffer from panick attacks and take celexa for them. I did have a panic attack 7 years ago while wiating for the Dr. to show up, while I was in the operating room, I got up off the table and said I changed my mind. But I needed the surgery (Infected Gallbladder) so I went to another surgeon and explained my panic attacks. The new surgeon gave me something as soon as I got to the hospital to help calm me. It was great, I was still awake, and in control, but felt relaxed. Just explain it to your surgeon, I've already told Dr. Ho, they will prescribe something to help you. Good luck
   — Gail M.

April 22, 2001
You will be given anti-anxiety meds as part of the prep. I would mention this to the surgeon , he may pre-medicate you. I had to have that done when I had a very painful spinal proceedure several years ago. My doctor called it "anti chicken" medicine!
   — Rose A.

April 22, 2001
I am the QUEEN of panic attacks...and depression...and anxiety. I take zoloft and klonopin. I am almost 8 weeks post-op. I did not have an attack waiting for the surgery but the second day post op during the "what have I done to myself" thoughts I went hysterical. I explained my situation to a very wonderful aid and he had the nurse call the floor Dr. and he prescribed a chot of Ativan which I could have every 12 hours if I asked for it...and I did. Funny though...once before I had been given Ativan orally and it didnt help....THIS DID!!!!!!! It was almost as if you could hear my body sigh with relief each time I got the injection. Good Luck to you!!!!!
   — Kathy831

April 23, 2001
Oh boy! I checked into the hospital at 1:30 the day before surgery and was very nervous. I was then told that I would be second on the next day's surgery schedule. I burst into tears because I was worried about being anxious in the morning. The program administrator called the doctor's office to check to see if the hospital had gotten the schedule correctly. The doctor's secretary told the Dr. that I had called demanding to be put first on the schedule which was very untrue. That night I didn't sleep a wink because I have restless legs, a nerve disorder. The dr. was upset that I didn't sleep with a strong sedative (45 mg of Restoril). I had been told by the program psychologist that I would be given a tranquilizer when I woke up - before surgery. I asked the nurse about it. She said that none had been ordered. She called the doctor to get the order and the doctor got upset that I was asking for "more medicine." I am now exhausted, nervous, confused, etc. The doctor postpones my surgery in all from 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM to 1 PM to 3 PM, then cancels it entirely saying she just doesn"t understand the weird vibes she is getting from me> ALL I can say is don't ask for anything, talk to anybody, be anxious or worried or the doctor may cancel on you. This just happened last friday so I am still very upset about it. Finally we talked to the surgeon, explained everything and the surgery has been rescheduled.
   — [Anonymous]

August 12, 2001
8/12/01 I am diagnosed with panic attacks. Am on medication: Celexa. I had it the morning of surgery--helped relax me. Did not have any more until yesterday. I have been jittery and unable to sleep, but no attacks. Went back on my meds today--hope this will help my sleeping.
   — khelms

August 3, 2003
I was diaganosed as having "panic" attacks after telling my old Dr. sometimes I felt like I was having a heart attack. The did an EKG and all was fine. I didn't "feel" panicky. No meds were prescribed. That was about 2yrs. ago. When I started my journey for WLS... I had to do a few of them being an Upper GI..... my new Dr. saw the results and informed me I had a Hiatal Hernia. I thought it was really bad and asked him how would I know I had symptoms... He said sometimes it may feel like you're having a heart attack. My WLS surgeon is going to see if this is in need of repair when he does my WLS.
   — Metal Girl

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