Does anyone have trouble swallowing Wellbetrin?

My doctor gave me Wellbetrin today and the pills look kind of big. Is it hard to swallow them and has anyone had good success with Wellbetrin for depression?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 24, 2001)

July 24, 2001
I am still pre-op is scheduled for sept. 7! I have taken Wellbutrin SR for depression for over a year now and I have had success with it. It doesn't have some of the side effects for me some of the others did (prozac, paxil). IF you are able to take them or get any feedback ... could you email me and let me know? THanks!!
   — Lisa R.

July 24, 2001
I would contact the pharmacist and ask if this pill can be split. Not all meds can so don't do it unless told it's okay. Pill splitters aren't expensive and are usually sold next to the RX counter.
   — Linda M.

July 24, 2001
I take wellbutrin and have since about 4 months before surgery. I went off of it briefly during the actual surgery, and then recently just went back on it, about 3 months ago. I was SEVERLY depressed and have panic disorder. Both of these combined make for a miserable existance. I have been taking the Wellbutrin and it has helped tremendously. I take them whole, but I did split them early on because of my own fears. Now they go down without a problem!! I have to say that this medication is very effective and shouldn't get stuck. Good luck
   — enjo4

July 25, 2001
I take Wellbutrin SR. I took it pre-op, and cut down to one per day until I got home from the hospital. You CAN NOT cut these pills in half. I take the sustained release ones, and they need to be swallowed whole. I was concerned about it too, but my PCP and surgeon said it was ok. If you are still concerned, talk to your doctor.
   — Robin L. J.

July 27, 2001
I have been taking a combo of Wellebutrin Sr and Zoloft for one year now. But before that I took the Welle alon for two years. The combo worked miracles for me. I noticed the difference in 3 days. I am now 3 weeks post op and went off my meds and need to go back on again. I hate the way they taste all crushed up. They told me in the hospital it was ok to crush the SR. I usually get withdrawals if i go off for a while, but I am fine.
   — Julie C.

August 11, 2001
This is too strange. I was JUST thinking this same question this morning. I've been on Wellbetrin for over a year now. Partly to quit smoking and partly for depression. Well, I quit smoking(just 2 months ago) and I'm alot happier now that I'm scheduled for surgery(Sept 21st). I also WILL NOT give up my Wellbetrin, mostly due to the smoking. Also, I've been told you should NOT try to breakup Wellbetrin. I'll ask my PCP on the next visit.
   — Lyn R.

August 28, 2001
Hi there...I have been taking well buterin for a year. I take 2 tabs per day. I have had to crush them in order for the medication to absorb...I was bawling constantly...I put the crushed pill into a teaspoon of really well...take care
   — kgallagher0120

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