I specifically asked not to be made

Hi all, I'm livid right now. I was fortunate enough to have my picture in the newspaper for an art award I won. I had the picture taken at my work since we have a photo studio. I also asked that I get to touchup the picture since I wanted to remove blemishes and I did. I don't think I look terribly bad even though I am still big--but not for long. The photographer proceeded to fool around with my picture and e-mailed me a pic with my shirt changed, and face thinned out along with makeup added since I usually don't wear any. I didn't think he was going to go and send it in. I even talked to the person who was going to send it to the paper and specifically told her not to use that picture since it isn't me. I said then don't put a pic in the paper. I didn't know he submitted the picture to the paper and I found out today that's what's in there. It upset me so much that I just feel like taking drastic measures. I have a feeling my boss who is a fat bigot had told the photographer to do that since he doesn't want a fat person representing the company (this is my feeling as I am upset right now, I don't have any proof of it, but I hear things in the office). Tomorrow is my first day back at work since my RNY and I am already feeling low. What should I do? Should I sue the crap out of them? (that would be nice but not good to work there anymore!) I'm crushed. What would you do?    — arebella (posted on July 29, 2001)

July 29, 2001
Not a lot you can do now, but perhaps contacting the newspaper to print another photo and/or correction that the photo was not you would help you feel a little better. It wasn't clear to me from your post.....did the person who altered the photo work for your company, for the newspaper, or someone else? If they worked for your company, then I would certainly complain. Ditto, if they worked for the newspaper. Good luck
   — MarilynT

July 29, 2001
I would put this away for a couple of days and then see how you feel about it. In the mean time just know that every minute you are losing weight. Losing weight should make you happier than you have ever been. Concentrate on that and it should make you very happy. Good luck
   — buhret

July 29, 2001
Speak to an attorney. Speak to your boss, tell them that this was very hurtful and see what happens. Perhaps you'll get an apology. If not, ask for something to make up for the hurt. If nothing, then maybe follow the attorney's advice. If you remain silent, you'll certainly get nothing and they'll likely continue this treatment to others. Some people are lousy people.
   — Cindy H.

July 29, 2001
Me again! I think I will have my company ask that the photo and info be reprinted with an apology. The person who did the photo is the one who touched it up, he is a new guy and works for our company. I just think that it goes farther than that guy--actually I believe it is the owner of the company who probably requested it. I will find out tomorrow. I am still very angry, but I will talk to my art director and see what he can do. I have a very short temper, he may smooth it out so I can save face (pun sort of intended)! :)
   — arebella

July 29, 2001
Call a competing newspaper and tell them the whole story!! That's how to see some action. The competition would LOVE to get a hold of this!! (I write for a newspaper). Keep squawking (Publicly) until you feel better and/or get a really sincere apology. You can also write a letter to the editor of the paper that printed your edited photo and they pretty much have to print it. Papers have the right to run an unretouched photo of a public event of any kind, but not a retouched one without your permission... AND THEY KNOW IT!!! So give 'em HELL!!!
   — Veronica D.

July 31, 2001
Let it go. You just had surgery and have enough to worry about. We all know the world is full of idiotic bigots, but they are not worth getting all worked up about. In the long term scheme of things it just doesn't matter.
   — blank first name B.

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