How do I ask for a referral to a surgeon from my PCP?

without feeling awkward? I already had a surgeon, but he is not in my "network" so I have to go to my PCP ask for a referral to a surgeon and then start all over.Also, my BMI is not 40+, but I do have co-morbids. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.    — Princess J. (posted on October 9, 2001)

October 9, 2001
If indeed you have documentation with your doctor of co-morbids, asking for the referral shouldn't be that difficult. You may feel akward no matter what approach you use, but feeling confident when you go in there and having your facts straight will help... Good luck
   — Elizabeth D.

October 11, 2001
I had my consultation with BTC BEFORE I got my PCP's referral. However, when I walked in to his office to GET the referral, I made sure that I was armed: I had information about the procedure itself, that I took off of this site and others.. I had listed my co-morbidities (so he wouldn't have to 'search' my records for the info).... I had a list of all of the OTC drugs and diet programs I'd tried, in addition to a list of the medications he had prescribed for me (again, so he wouldn't have to scour the records). I also had my WISH LIST: Things that I have NOT been able to do since I've gained this weight, and things I want to do again (dance, golf, hike, make love without pain, gardening, etc..etc..). I also had a list of what life will be like post-op with regards to diet, protein requirements, dumping, etc.. In other words, I let him know that I HAD RESEARCHED THIS THOROUGHLY and wasn't going into this blindly or compulsively. Not only was he IMPRESSED with my presentation and preparedness (he said no one had EVER done that before! lol), but was totally convinced that if he didn't give me the referral, I'd go wherever I had to in order to GET ONE! Even better: my PCP told me that if this had all been HIS idea, the BTC Center I'd chosen was where he would have sent me! He has complete confidence that I'll get the best care possible there! SOOOOO... just be prepared when you go to your PCP, and you shouldn't have any trouble getting your referral.. GOOD LUCK..!!
   — Diane E.

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