What can I do about previous diet attempts when the clinics are out of business?

I used to go to the infamous PHEN-FEN clinics that where popping up all over the place. They are out of business and I have no idea where to refer the diet history to.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,God bless.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 22, 2001)

October 22, 2001
Just a suggestion, but you may be able to ask your pharmasist if they have a record of you filling the pre-scription and if they can give it to you. That has been sufficient for a lot of insurances.
   — Elizabeth D.

October 23, 2001
Hi, I am in the same boat as you. I went to two medical clinics back in 98 and 99. They are no longer in business. But I do have some receipts for my office visits.Also, I got my diet pills from the office. But even if I had to fill my prescriptions at a pharmacy, the pharmacy wouldn't have it on the computer because they only go back 18 months!! I am hoping my receipts will be enough for them. How about canceled checks? I paid cash at every visit. Wish now I wrote checks!!! Good Luck to you !!!
   — Laura G.

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