Anyone been on Adipex?

Looking for some info on this diet drug.How much did it cost,how did your body react to it,and did it help with weight loss? My doc wants me to start using it,and I never heard of it before.Thanks    — Kristie D. (posted on October 29, 2001)

October 29, 2001
I have taken Adipex off and on for the past 6 years. It gives you lots of energy, where you do't really think about eating, but if you have head hunger your going to eat anyway. The pills make you feel really jittery and sometimes like bugs are crawling on your head. This is just my experience with them. Now on the other hand they have a new time release capsule that I have taken that I can not tell does anything to curb my appitite, it only makes me sweat really badly. I have lost with them, but almost everyone I know that has taken them gains the weight right back plus some when you stop taking them. Really it just depends on how your body handles them.
   — Lynda T.

October 29, 2001
I've taken adipex off and on for years. It's a great drug for appitite control. I never did get jittery or have bugs crawling on me but I did have a REALLY clean house after taking them for a month! Lost some pounds too. They always come back when you stop taking them.
   — [Anonymous]

October 29, 2001
I have also taken Adipex, which I think is a generic for Phentermine. I have to lose 10% of my weight and used this to help me, however, my new insurance no longer covers appetite suppressants. I did not have any bad side effects except for "hot flashes". If I could get more, I would. Good luck!
   — Jean B.

November 3, 2001
I took Adipex several years ago as one half of my Phen-Fen program. It seemed to work at the time, but I gained all of the weight back after I stopped taking it. I never took it by itself.
   — Rebecca C.

April 29, 2002
I have taken Adipex off and on for a quite some time now and I tend to agree with the majority, they are highly addicitve and emotionaly draining. I notice a tremendous change in my bahavior when I am on them. I am easier to get a long with and have energy to spare. I have recently taken them combined with Xenical and have had some weight loss. Combine speed (adipex) with a fat blocker/flusher and just about anyone will lose some weight though. I personaly made the decision to take the combo ONLY because I had already made my decision to go for the WLS and I want to be in top condition going into surgery. MY PCP only gives the Adipex on 3 months and off three due to the FACT that they are addictive and basicaly only help when you are taking them. Once you quit them the weight comes back, plus some. We all react differently though, go with your head and follow your intuitions and best of luck to you.
   — Patricia F.

May 2, 2002
I took Adipex for 2 months. The first month, I lost 22 pounds, the second month I only lost 5-10 pounds. They made me very jittery. After I stopped taking them (3 years ago), I gained back all of the weight I lost plus an extra 100 pounds. I just switched jobs in order to get coverage for wls, so here's hoping. :)
   — Bambi S.

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