Has anyone had their surgery postponed due to the lack of staff?

In november of 2001 I was giving the surgery date feb 19th 2002 at Bariatric Care Center in Ohio. 18 days before surgery I get a call saying they need to postpone my surgery due to lack of staff. Is this a indication that I need to find a new surgeon and a new facility?    — Samitra D J. (posted on February 2, 2002)

February 2, 2002
I had my surgery at the BTC in Ohio. I can't tell you about why they may have postponed your surgery... all I can tell you about is MY experience with the center. IT WILL BE WORTH THE WAIT. The nursing staff is GREAT - the facility is very nice, and 'heavy friendly'. I didn't HAVE to take anything with me - they provide EVERYTHING. I took a bag..and didn't even open it until I was ready to go home. They even gave me a pillow for my tummy for the ride home..:) My surgery (Open RNY) lasted 45 minutes.. and I was UP walking within 2 hours.. Dr. Choban was my surgeon..and I think she's TERRIFIC.!! You might ask them "What do you mean, short staffed?" Get DETAILS. Their answer may help you make up your mind.. but I'd give them a chance... Good Luck
   — Diane E.

February 3, 2002
my surgery was postponed 2 weeks prior due to a shortage of anesthestists. it worked out just fine cause i loved the one they were able to schedule for a month later.
   — sheryl titone

February 4, 2002
I am also having surgery at this center. I was told by the Scheduling office that they are in the process of opening an second operating room. So in antipaction of that I think there was some double scheduling. Right now they are not scheduling anymore surgery until it opens. I was also told not to worry, if you have a date you will be kept a priority.
   — Mary D.

February 4, 2002
Please keep in mind that this surgery, while necessary and life-saving on the outset, is in fact elective. A hospital can only do so many surgeries a day and an emergency bypass or cancer surgery will surely bump us to the back of the list. Be patient. The postponment may have nothing to do with your surgeon personally, but rather hospital scheduleing.
   — Danielle M.

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