On a staple line breakdown

did I do something wrong, did my surgeon, or is this just something that happens sometimes? If anyone has any info on how this happens please share your experience. I just found out I have this staple line breakdown and my doctor is retired. What should I do?    — Sheila R. (posted on May 15, 2002)

May 16, 2002
You did not do something wrong. Your surgeon didn't do anything "wrong". He just did it the old fashioned way. As did mine. And then I got it fixed. And all was right again. You can make it. Hopefully you will find a new doc who can fix you up as fast as if it was just a flat tire.
   — vitalady

May 20, 2002
Hi, sorry I missed this question since I was on vacation. I want to reassure that this was not your fault! I had a staple line breakdown at 6 mos post op and then had a revision to fix it. I have lost 100 lbs now and my pouch is so different with transection. I am now 7 mos post op from my revision and still can only eat 1/2 cup. When I had my SLD I was so upset but I had researched enough to know that #1 IT IS FIXABLE! #2 It is just a mechanical failure when one is not transected. Read my profile for more details. I have two parts and the second one is after I was "fixed." I think that most surgeons are transecting now since the breakdown rate for non transected pouches are so high. I am glad I had to have it fixed because now I know that the chances of this ever happening again are nil. There is a lot of info (a lot from me and a lot from Michelle Curran too) about SLD in the library. Michelle and I are trying to answer each person that this happens to because it is important to know it is not anyone's fault. The revision was a breeze compared to the first surgery but it had to be open too so required almost the same scenario as the first....hospitalization and recovery. But the healing is so much quicker and easier. Without the repair, you may regain your lost weight as the food can just flow into the still attached stomach. When I had the Upper GI it was apparent that the pouch filled up and then the old stomach. I was very distressed about it but I did not hesitate to have it repaired. I had not regained any weight but I know I would have as I was able to eat a lot more then. You didn't say how far post op you are. Please e mail me and I will answer any questions you have. God bless you! AND remember this is not your fault and you are NOT a failure! It takes courage to face this problem and you have done that. It does complicate matters somewhat by the fact that your surgeon is retired. Surely he left his patients in the hands of another surgeon for follow up didn't he? Call his office and ask for a referral. If this is not possible, ask for somebody here to recommend a doc for you to revise your rny to transection. We are all here for you! And this has happened to quite a few of us.
   — Marilyn C.

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