I am reading a lot of posts about people reverting to the

eating after RNY and this makes me nervous. Frankly, if I could stick to a better way of eating, I wouldn't be fat. And if, down the road, RNY allows you to eat "normally" except for portion control, how does it it really differ from the AGB? I know the statistics of success are better w/RNY, but if I will eventually struggle all the time w/what I put in my mouth (as I do every day now) I would rather go with the safer of the alternatives. I worry about malnutrition issues, etc, w/the RNY, but I want the surgery to work, too. I do not want to do something so drastic just to find myself battling the same demons!! Any input?    — Jennifer W. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 10, 2002
hi, i am 15 moths out from a transected rny, i do not regret it i supplement most of my nutrion but i have lost 120 pounds in just over a year, but i think you need to do more resurch and pick the best surgery for you, as far as eating sure you could chose to eat the wrong food but after all the weight i have lost i want to eat good healthy food and every now and then i have a little somthing i like but i make sure it is sugar free, but portion control is a good thing i am no longer a slave to food i just eat a little and i go on with my day i no longer plan my day around food becouse if your not hungry you don't think about it as much as pre opp, as far as the bypass that is so you malabsorb calories and that helps get and keep the weight off, but you will still need to suplement if you do the rny as opsosed to the vgb, i geuss the moral of the storie is you need to do the resurch and pick the right surgery for you, the you can live with for the rest of your life:)
   — sandra M.

June 10, 2002
Jennifer there is nothing saying that you have to have the surgery now. If you are having doubts, go ahead and try to alter your eating habits and lose weight on your own. WLS isn't going anywhere and will be here if you decide you want to go for it! I chose WLS because I knew that there wasn't anything that was going to help me lose this weight except cutting off my supply (or my lips). I feel that now that the weight is gone (99#'s), I know that I will never put it back on. I don't watch what I eat like a lot of people on here, but I have decided that 130#'s is going to be my limit. I weigh everyday and try to keep my weight in a certain range. I DO NOT want to be obese again. My little stomach helps, my malabsorption helps ALOT, and my decision not to be overweight ever again helps the most! Hope this helps! Sherry LAP RNY 9/12/02 -99#'s
   — Sherry C.

June 10, 2002
hi. I understand your concerns. i felt the same way. i am 10 days post-op from LAP RNY. WLS is a "tool" as we are all supposed to look at it, but in a way, the first year, it is MAGIC, because basically, some people i have heard do not exercise and still lose alot of weight. Some follow the guidelines, some do not. But it is those who do exercise and those who do not drink during meals and those who do eat slowly and follow the guidelines, etc. that will be the success in the longrun and maintain a steady weight. There is a 10-15% chance after the RNY that you will regain your weight back after this surgery eventually. Yes, those can be pretty scary odds after going through such major surgery. But then again, look at the odds of gaining your weight back from dieting and exercising alone normally, basically 90-95%. ANd as long as you take your vitamins everyday and even walk just 3 times a week for a half an hour is good enough, there should be no malnutrition problems! Goodluck in your journey!
   — Lezlie Y.

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