Should I give up on having surgery?

I was schduled to have surgery on 2/19/02 but it was cancelled due to a lack of staff in the meantime I had to be cleared by a cardiologist and a urologist finally I got cleared then They schduled surgery for me again on 6/7/02 one day before they call me and postpone it because my white blood cell level was high so I had to see a hematologist I was cleared by her and my surgery is schduled for 6/27/02 if it geis cancelled this time should I just give up or find a new surgeon.    — Samitra D J. (posted on June 20, 2002)

June 19, 2002
Dear Samitra- you've come this far, don't give up! Third time is the charm as some say, and you've been through too much to start the stress all over again. There is a reason that things have been delayed, perhaps not a good reason that any of us can determine, but I believe that God has reasons for everything. If you get cancelled again next week, I'd certainly be wanting to know! In the meantime I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. ~Peace
   — Joscelin

June 19, 2002
Don't give up. Your surgeon is being cautious you should be thankful. It is better to wait a little and come through the surgery healthy. You will be on the other side before you know it.
   — Linda A.

June 20, 2002
Samitra, Don't give up! I agree with the previous poster, your doctor is being cautious. This is a very major/serious surgery and one that you want to take any chances with so just be patient. All the wait will be worth it when come December you can go to all those Christmas parties and be the "Knockout Queen". Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

June 20, 2002
Samitra, how badly do you want this surgery? How deep is your commitment to your own health? These are questions only you can answer. Your post asks whether you should give up or find a new surgeon. So, I am wondering if your question is whether your surgeon is meeting your needs. If not, then perhaps you should begin anew. But, if your surgeon is merely being careful because of these medical conditions that suddenly showed up, perhaps you just might have patience a little while longer. Good luck with your decision either way. Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

June 20, 2002
Dear Sam ~ My opinion differs a bit from the rest. I truly believe that only you can answer this. For me, I'm a firm believer and follower of signs. When I am in prayer or meditation, I always ask for direction and I always ask for signs showing me if I'm doing the right thing or not. Nine times out of ten, I receive some sort of sign. I've learned not to argue with my gut feelings and intuitive nature and it's helped me more than I can say. What feels right to you?
   — Lisa J.

June 20, 2002
I wouldn't totally give up, but if you are having additional problems getting schedule runaround, it may be worth looking into another surgeon if you think that would be better. I know it is hard to be patient. I was called up the friday before I was originally scheduled and informed that my insurance would not precertify the hospital stay. I then faught with insurance for 4 months, and finally hired Walter Lindstrom to fight my insurance. Was finally approved the week after my surgeon got called up to the reserves. Started working with another surgeon and finally 3 months later had it done. I am now 3 1/2 month and down 82+ lbs. Was it worth it? Yes!!!!!! Just hang in there. You want to be healthy and everything to be right. Good Luck.
   — Dell H.

June 21, 2002
Hi Samitra-You gone so far. As discouraging and fraustrating as it may seem. Your surgeon does have your health and well being in mind. If before hand they can avoid complications could occur during surgery or hinder your recovery. Best wishes and have a very uneventful surgery and recovery. Anne Kirby
   — Aynikaye

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