Does anyone else always have a bad taste in their mouth??

I am 1 month post op and I always have this horrible taste in my mouth which leaves me nausiated all the time. How can I get rid of this. I have tried brushing me teeth and all around the inside of my mouth to get rid of it, but nothing works. I am to the point where I don't want to eat because I know I will have to endure the horrible taste that everything leaves in my mouth.    — Emile N. (posted on June 30, 2002)

June 29, 2002
Relax, your NORMAL. Probably have bad breath as well. Its from Ketosis, and will go away in time. Look at the bright side, your loosing great? Ahh its all part of what we go thru. Mine left by 2 months post op, so you are half way there. My biggest problem was that water tasted YUK, I drank strong SF koolaid to mask my mouths horrid bad breath and taste.
   — bob-haller

June 30, 2002
What does water taste like? Anesthesia makes everythng weird for awhle, but not water. Usually.
   — vitalady

June 30, 2002
Hi Emile, I had a horrible taste for a few I sucked on a rusty old pipe( not that I would REALLY know what that would taste like!!!). It goes away eventually. My doc had me take previcid for a few months and that really help the nausea. Good luck!
   — lovebug2

June 30, 2002
I've been wondering about the same thing. My breath is so bad that I can smell it waffing off the top of my water bottle when I go to get another drink. I'm amazed. I too run to the bathroom and floss, and brush everything cept my nose and then gargle till my eyes are red. My cat has found a renewed fascination with my behavior and sits on the sink to watch. I'm afraid to talk around people for fear they'll get knocked down. Is it alright to have Tic Tacs or something? Signed, Stanky Dragon Breath
   — Linda E.

June 30, 2002
The RN at my surgeon's office told me that it was because I was in ketosis (when your body goes into fat burning mode to fuel your bodily functions). I hit a plateau a week later which lasted 3 weeks. I broke the plateau last weekend but the bad breath/taste in my mouth hasn't come back even though I'm losing weight again.
   — Jennifer A.

June 30, 2002
I don't know if these will work for this type of problem....but I work in a dental office and we sell A LOT of tongue cleaners. People swear they help w/ their breath. Like I said, I don't know if they would be effective for this cause but it might be worth a try. I have access to them and can get them at cost so if anyone is interested just e-mail me. Jenn
   — Jenn J.

June 30, 2002
I have the same problem - for the first 4 weeks I didn't want to eat anything because everything tasted like my mouth which was disgusting! I couldn't even stand the taste of distilled water - it had an odor (which was probably my breath) and a taste like plastic or rubber - even when I drank out of a glass container! I have even had several gagging fits because of it - usually in the morning. I have been living on "Myntz" - they come in a tin like altoids and they are sugar free - I have gone through 6 tins in the past 3 weeks and they help. I even had nights when I would keep them at bedside so I could sleep with one tucked in my lip (like chewing tobacco) - that way my evil breath didn't wake me up. Hang in there - I'm going on week 6 and it's getting better - but still not gone.
   — Kim A.

June 30, 2002
I don't think "ketosis" is a given for everyone with bad breath. First of all, those of us who have embraced milk and SF Instant Breakfasts as one source for protein aren't in ketosis. Secondly, thrush is a common condition after antibiotics. If your tongue is coated (usually white, but I have heard of black) and you have bad breath, and even brushing your tongue doesn't turn it pink again, you likely have thrush. Your doctor can call in a prescription for "Magic Swizzle" gargle. You will notice significant improvement after one "swish and spit" and almost complete elimination of it after Day 2 of a 4x-per-day commitment. Good luck.
   — Karen F.

July 3, 2002
I'm 6 weeks post op and I'm finally getting relief from that horrible yuck. I was brushing my teeth so much, I'm surprised I have any gum tissue left. I still get the yuck every so often, but it's not constant anymore. There's light at the end of the tunnel :-)
   — Mariann S.

July 3, 2002
oh my goodness i now know im not alone in the mouth funk lol it was just terrible i couldnt stand it everything tasted like funky mouth and oh my gosh i could smell things 100 percent stronger it was bad but im glad to say that all is well now
   — carrie M.

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