Has anybody used a sauna suit while exercising?

If so, did you see fast results on your weight loss? I wear mines while walking on my treadmill. I tend to sweat more. My weight lost has slow down a bit after losing 45 pounds.    — Valda B. (posted on July 10, 2002)

July 10, 2002
I hope you can drink water better than I can! I would be really afraid I would get dehydrated from all that extra sweating. You will lose weight just exercising and eating right, although it may be slower one month and faster the next. Any weight you lose by sweating is just that--water weight--and it will come back once you are adequately rehydrated.
   — ctyst

July 11, 2002
I would honestly suggest NOT using any type of sauna suit or wearing anything that makes you sweat even more while exercising. This can make you get dehydrated very fast and cause you to pass out or become very ill. Any extra weight you may "sweat" out anyway will just come right back on the minute you drink water again. The only purpose it will serve is making you hotter and more uncomfortable while trying to exercise. I think we are practically already in our very own "sauna suits" with all the extra weight we carry anyway. Just keep exercising, and the weight will come off.
   — Shawnie S.

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