Coasters--Safe after surgery???

I still havent had surgery yet, looking forward to it though. I used to love amusement parks and went several times each summer. Has any one attempted this after surgery? I'm not necessarily worried about fitting in the seats...just wondering if it is safe? thanks PS I LOVE this site...everyone and all the information is very helpful.    — Merry I. (posted on August 23, 2002)

August 23, 2002
Hi there :) Good question, especially for those who hope to get back to doing fun things after surgery :) Let me be the first to tell you that it is ok to do normal things, just like everyone else. I went on a TERRIFYING coaster just last night while vacationing in Wildwood, NJ. I am down 63 pounds in 11 weeks, and I decided to try some fun rides out. I am 254 now...and let me tell you it was a tight squeeze. They almost didn't get that shoulder harness down,(they had to come over to me and individually get that sucker in) but it finally locked. It's uncomfortably tight, and that is the only problem I had, b/c it was pushing right up on my scar. I for one will be holding off until I am much thinnner before I try the rides again..but good luck with whatever you decide to do!
   — Kelly C.

August 24, 2002
Well, I'm not sure if I should have done it, but I have been on a ton of amusement rides since surgery (including roller coasters, which are my favorite). I am six weeks post op and went to Hershey Park in PA when I was 10 days post op. I didn't plan it that way (nor did I enjoy it), but my daughter was performing there with her dance group and I didn't want to miss it. She wanted to go on a coaster, so I went with her. It was a little uncomfortable then. I made my second attempt @ 4 weeks post op. I went to Wildwood NJ and went on every ride you can imagine...the one's that went upside down were the best of course. I had no problems. Nothing felt different from pre-op except for the fact that I don't have such a hard time squeezing into the ride now.
   — amd0721

August 26, 2002
I did "carnival rides" with the kids 3 months post. I have had terrible intermittent back pain since. May not be related, but it may. As we lose weight quickly, our center for gravity changes continuously, which strains our muscles as they adjust. My suggestion is if a ride hurts AT ALL, pass on the rest of them until next time. I rode some tea cup thing, my back gave a little grunt of pain, I continued with other rides, and that grunt is one nasty roar now. Again, this back pain could be totally unrelated, but given the aches and pains inherent to the ongoing weight loss, AND the discouragement of taking Motrin (though my surgeon approves of it), I kind of wish I hadn't...
   — Karen F.

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