Not eating solid foods.

I really thank you all, I know I have a problem and its killing me here, My gosh never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would be here scared so bad that I can't even find the words that I need to say. I did change one thing in my I guess you could say diet, I did drop the ensure and started drinking "Xrated Complete whey protein drinks". Its triple chocolate, and its so good! I really tried to eat the other day I got that carrot really close to my mouth but them lips just wouldn't open up! I will be seeing a doctor today, I cry most of the time, because I know this isn't what I want, I want to be thin, I don't want to get big again. I have tried everything in my power to eat and its not happening here. I see my family eat,and I think, I can do this I did it all my life hello, but I can't do it, I am at the point where I am forcing the liquids down now, how the heck did it get like this? Am I the only one with this problem after having the surgery? Is it going to go a way? Am I going to be ok? I am so scared! I promise to keep you informed, I don't want anyone to go through this as I have. Keep me in your prayers, because I really need them now more then ever.    — Terri Z. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
Are you not eating cuz you feel pukey? Or is it something in your head that stops you?
   — vitalady

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