Physician mismeasured my height will losing 2 inches impact anything other than BMI?

I went in for my Pulmonary Function test and the physician mismeasured me by 2 inches. I'm just a 1/4 inch short of 6' but she measured me in at 5'10" Basically she looked at my shoes and thought they increased my height by a few inches and deducted from my height. Now I remember reading somewhere they base the length of bypass according to height?    — John T. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 27, 2003
Hi John: I cannot speak for the surgeon you are using, but the one I went to bypassed 150 cm of intestine on everyone. The only thing mismeasuring your height would have done with my surgeon, would have been to increase BMI, as you have stated.
   — Grace H.

January 30, 2003
Thanks Grace! I wasn't sure if it was a standard procedure. My surgeon does 2-3' bypass and I didn't think to ask how he determines whether it would be 2' or 3' <p>Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

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