How long does it generally take Dr Overcash's office to schedule surgery?

I was approved on Jan 29, the insurance co said they had mailed out the letter of approval that morning. My question is how long does it generally take Dr. Overcash's office to schedule surgery? I know it has only been a few days, but waiting for them to call me is driving me nuts! I was told at my consult--"Don't call us, we will call you when we have approval." I don't want to call and bug them because I don't want to be put on the bottom of the waiting list, but I want a date!! Can you tell I'm becoming a little impatient to become a little patient? Do any of Dr. O's patients (post and pre-op) have any suggestions? Thank you for your help and understanding.    — Nicole L. (posted on February 3, 2003)

February 3, 2003
Hi Nicole, I am a patient of Dr. Overcash also. I got my approval on Jan 20th (in one day!!) and when I talked to Patrice she told me I had to wait until Madaline, Dr. O's assistant, to call me to do the scheduling. Anywho, that was a Monday and she called me on Wed. They could have done my surgery in as early as two weeks, but because of my work and wanting to get everything in order I chose to schedule for March 7th. If makes it any better for you to know that alot of insurances have a 30 day policy from time of pre-approval to actual surgery, so you know it can't be to long! :) HINT HINT....I also know that she is generally in the office on Mondays because that is a clinic know if you might happen to call kind of like.....Best of luck and don't get discouraged!
   — spunkybear

February 3, 2003
Hi Nicole. I already had my insurance approval when I met with Dr. Overcash. I met him on the 17th of the month and had surgery on the 28th. He won't waste time once your insurance approval is received. Best of Luck -- You've chosen a great surgeon!
   — Pam S.

February 3, 2003
Hey Nicole, I will be one year out on 2/22. I had called my insurance company to find out about the approval in Jan. 02 and they had told me yes i had been approved. I then called patrice and let her know and she called bc/bs that same day to get the approval #. This was on a Friday. Madilyn (Dr. O's nurse) called me on Monday and they could have done the surgery in about a week but due to some other things going on I waited for 2 1/2 weeks. They set up the surgery really fast - which is why i am so glad that i chose Dr. O. - plus he is a great doctor! I am down 138 lbs and can wear an xlarge shirt and 18W pants. Am so happy! This was one of the best things to happen to me and I wish you all of the luck in the world with yours! My email is [email protected] if you would like to email me with any questions. Take care!
   — Tammy M.

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