Survey... Please tell us if you have a lot of post-op hunger and your preop diet

I was thinking about the research done on Gherlin (appetite hormone) and post-ops that showed that those on restrictive diets had a 24% increase in their Gherlin levels vs the WLS group that had a 70% decrease. Now I was thinking if there was a correlation between those put on a restrictive diet vs those who do last suppers. I'm thinking that those who are put on restrictive diets had an increase in Gherlin which relates to increased hunger immediate post-op while those who ate whatever they wanted didn't elevate their Gherlin levels and thus had reduced hunger immediate post ops. Please share your experience... 1) Where you very hungery post-op? 2) Did you do the last supper or some sort of restrictive diet?    — John T. (posted on February 11, 2003)

February 11, 2003
INTERESTING! I did the last supper thing and YES, was very hungry in my 3 week liquid phase.
   — ZZ S.

February 11, 2003
I did not alter my eating habits at all just before my surgery. I did not cut back and I did not do the 'last supper'. I had HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE head hunger post op. I definitely went through withdrawal. I considered my 5 days in the hospital with NOTHING for four of them and only water the fifth a 'detox' period. By the time I was released from the hospital I was allowed CLEAR liquids ONLY. I was physically okay with this, but my head wanted pizza and Chinese food and steak and sandwiches and salads. I was miserable for about three weeks. It has all subsided. (Open RNY 10/30/02 -102 lbs)
   — Ginger M.

February 11, 2003
I really didn't alter my diet at all before surgery. I didn't last supper or restrict my diet. I was okay post-op. I had some head hunger but got through it. And now 3 months post-op I have my hungry days but normally I have to remind myself to eat. **kelly
   — Kelly T.

February 11, 2003
I literally did not feel hunger until 5 months post-op. I had to lose 10% of my weight before surgery (required by Kaiser) so I was on a pretty restrictive diet for 3 months prior to surgery (lost 15 lbs). So my situation does not fit your theory.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 11, 2003
I had basically what I wanted before the surgery, but nothing way out of the ordinary, if that is what Last supper refers to, but I definitely did not restrict myself. Post op I had no hunger at all and was very surprised at how fool I was all the time. Around three months I got some head hunger but after a bite was able to satisfy it. At almost six months I know find myself, not hungry really but suffering from the head hunger thing and with the larger stomach don't feel able to satisfy it quickly, so I feel like I am dieting again.
   — Carrie R.

February 11, 2003
I lost my required 10 lbs before surgery. My surgery was Oct. 30. I have not been hungry since Oct 29. At least not genuine hunger. Occasionally I will have "head hunger". I usually satisfy it by having a small cookie, called a tea biscuit, it has only 15 calories and satisfies that carbo craving.
   — Kathy H.

February 11, 2003
I wasn't physically hungry post-op, but mentally I craved food. I didn't do a last supper or a restrictive diet pre-op, although I would have, my surgery was just moved up unexpectedly.
   — LionGirl2k

February 11, 2003
1. not hungry, because I was always fairly regimented. volume eater, not grazer. BUT occasional bouts with low blood sugar. 2. did last suppers, several of them. 3. experienced very little hunger post-op. rarely do even today (8+ yrs)
   — vitalady

February 11, 2003
My case doesn't fit your theory either. I was on a clear liquid diet w/ protein shakes 2 weeks prior to surgery and have had NO hunger since I woke up from surgery one month ago. Thats not to say I wasn't hungry before surgery during that liquid phase because I was even dreaming about food at that point!
   — thumpiez

February 11, 2003
I did the last supper thing right before I had my surgery. I tried to eat a little of all my favorite "bad" foods. I was not restricted in any way. I had surgery 7 months ago and honestly, I did not feel hunger at all for the first six months. A few days after my six month check up I was sitting and my desk and felt this strange grumbling sensation in my stomach. I realized that it was the first time in months that I had felt even the slightest degree of true hunger (as opposed to head hunger). I still do not get hungry on a regular basis. I only get that feeling of hunger on occassion. I don't know that I believe there is a direct correlation between pre-op diet and post-op Gherlin levels, though. The thing is, although there are many of us who aren't hungry directly after sugery, there is a huge range in how long it takes hunger to return. I didn't experience hunger for over six months. Some people wake up with no hunger, but it returns in the early weeks or months following surgery. Interesting thoery.
   — Jenny S.

February 11, 2003
Hello, Im 3 1/2 months out, had the last supper syndrome, and have not lost my hunger at all. Of course it was worse at first, and I still cant eat much, but I do have a very healthy appetite (dammit) and am still waiting for the phase where people say they have to make themselves eat.
   — Marilayne M.

February 11, 2003
I was not on a restrictive diet before surgery at all. I spent the last month or so having a bit of all my favorite foods. Then was on a liquid diet two days before surgery. I was not hungry at all after surgery. To tell the truth, I am eleven months post op, and very seldom do I ever really feel hungry. I get grumbly and gurgly inside when I need to eat, but no real hunger pains.
   — MnShadows

February 12, 2003
I put myself on a restricted, high protein diet for 4 months before surgery (and lost a whopping 16 lbs). I had absolutely no hunger post-op and still, at 4 months PO, have no appetite.
   — JoAnn B.

February 12, 2003
I was not restricted pre-op and found hunger/head hunger very difficult for awhile after surgery.
   — mom2jtx3

February 12, 2003
I did not do a restrictive diet or extensive "last suppering" but I did lose 15 pounds thru exercise and cutting back on sugar (mainly sodas) and increasing protein. I did not have any physical hunger for about 4 1/2 months, but I did mentally crave foods while I was on liquids. That went away when I could have "real food" again. I do get "hungry" if I wait too long to eat but it is more a knowledge that I need to eat something than true "hunger pangs" like I used to get before surgery. As a matter of fact, I remember the way I felt on the morning of surgery--I was SOOOOOOO hungry and I had only been fasting since midnight. I have never felt like that since.
   — ctyst

February 12, 2003
1) I have been moderately hungry post-op. I started off not hungry at all but felt "real" hunger by about month two. Not enough to slow down my weight loss. Got pregnant at month five and have been a HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPO ever since ;). 2) I had about 20 "last" meals and did not restrict my diet AT ALL pre-op.
   — mandajuice

February 12, 2003
John, I hope you compile all the answers and see if there is any correlation. I did do the last supper routine and no, I was not hungry post-op.
   — Cindy R.

February 12, 2003
Very interesting correlation! I did the Last supper thing (and actually lost a few lbs before surgery) and was head hungry post-op. But I don't think my stomach was actually hungry. i was just recooperating and watching alot of food commercials.
   — Lezlie Y.

February 12, 2003
I did the last supper two nights before my surgery. I was cutting back on food mainly because I was becoming more aware of what I was eating. I had no hunger nor a desire to eat for the first couple weeks. Since then, I occasionally feel hungry (mostly after 4pm). I still have head hunger and act a bit weird when I do. I stop and very carefully concentrate on my stomach. If it is real hunger, I will start planning on having a meal. If not, I just move along.
   — Chris P.

February 12, 2003
Well... I'm not a scientist... I did take a graduate course in data analysis but can't remember a darn thing about Z-tests and T-squares and other statistical doo-dads. So I'll leave the correlation find to someone else. Keep the comments comming and I'm sure someone will make use of it! <p>Here are some interesting links.. the first is about the study I spoke about in the question. The second is a good webcast explaining ghrelin - make sure you look for the December webcast. <p> <a href= ></a> <p>Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

February 12, 2003
I had a "last meal" two nights before my surgery. I had no head hunger, and at almost 6 months out do not get hungry and do not have an appetite (thank goodness!).
   — Lee G.

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